Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/140

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ions, serving in the house from i88i lo 1895. He was four times elected speaker, serving in that capacity 1887-1895. In 1884 he was Democratic presidential elector; in 1892 he was a member of the State Debt Commis- sion that effected a readjustment and settle- ment of the state debt of Virginia. He was also chairman of the joint committee of the legislature of \'irginia. to adjust and settle with Maryland the controversy over the boundary line between the two states. He prepared the report that later was adopted I)y the legislature of both Virginia and Maryland as a final settlement of the dis- pute. In 1894 he was elected judge of the Virginia supreme court of appeals, for a term of twelve years, taking his seat on the bench, January i, 1895. He was a capable and conscientious judge and so won. the rt- s])ect of the people of Virginia that in 1906 he was re-elected for a second term of four years, and again in 1910 for a third term, twelve years. His residence is at Hanover. Virginia ; he is a meml)er of the Presl)y- lerian church and for many years has been an elder.

Judge Cardwell married, in I'ebruary.

1865. Kate Howard, born January 26, 1849, daughter of Edward Calthorpe Howard, granddaughter of William Howard, a direct descendant of John Howard, who settled in York county. Virginia, early in the se\'en- teenth century. Children of Judge Richard H. Cardwell: Howard, born in November,

1866. died in December, 1876; William Duval, of further mention; Lucy Crump, born August 16. 1870; Lizzie Dalton, born February 5. 1872; Charles Patteson, of fur- ther mention ; Kate, born July 2, 1875 ; Julia, Dorn November 13, 1877.

(V) William Duval Cardwell. eldest liv- ing son of Judge Richard Henry and Kate (Howard) Cardwell. was born at Madison, Rockingham county. North Carolina, on roaster Sundav, .\pril 12. i8f;8. He was in- structed privately at his home, then pre- pared for college at McCluire's University School, Richmond, Virginia, entered Ran- dolph-Macon College, after which the law department of the Uni\ersity of X'irginia. whence he was graduated ISachelor of Laws in June, 1889. In that year he began the practice of law in Richmond, where he has practiced continut)Usly and successfully un- til the ]-)resent date. Until 1903 he lived on and managed a farm in Hanover countv, but

his home residence is now in the town of Ashland. Virginia. He was for some years president of the Hanover Bank of Ashland, but the law has ever received his closest attention. In political faith a Democrat, he is now and has been for many years chair- man of the Hanover County Democratic Committee; was representative from Han- over county in the Virginia house of dele- gates, 1 899- 1 906, and speaker of the house during the session of 1906, not being a can- didate for re-election to the next house. He gave many years to the military service of his state, serving in Hanover Cavalry Troop, rising from the ranks to a captaincy. His clubs are the Westmoreland of Richmond, the Hanover of Ashland, the Bone Island Gun Club ; his college fraternity, the Phi Kappa Sigma.

Mr. Cardwell married at Blenheim, Han- over county, \'lrginia, his wife's home and birthplace, April 10, 1890, Jane Price Greg- ory, born January 8. 1868. daughter of Dr. • Thomas Littlepage and Sarah Pendelton (Winston) Gregory. Dr. Gregory, a well- known physician, served as surgeon in the Confederate army. His children: Bessie I)., Jane Price, mentioned above ; Fendall Little- page, Maria Powell, married M. P. Howard; Nellie Ferrell. married George H. Morris.

Children of William Duval and Jane Price ( Gregory) Cardwell : Elise Rosser, born May 3, 1891, graduate of Ashland High School; Sarah Pendleton, May 18, 1892, graduate of Ashland High School ; William Howard, August 31, 1894, graduate of Ashland High School, now a student at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia ; Richard Henry Jr., November 10, 1898, at Ashland High School ; Dorothea Price. January 18, 1903, in private school; Edward (Gregory, January 19. 1906. in private school. These children are all unmarried.

Charles Patteson Cardwell, son of

Judge Richard Henry ((|. v.) and Kate (Howard) Cardwell. was ])orn August 8. 1873, in Hanover county. X'irginia. He at- tended the local schools of his native county ; then took a course at the Richmond College and studied law under the direction of his father. .Afterward he attended the University of \'irginia at (^"harlottsville where he graduated in 1895 as LL. B., and was admitted to the bar in Richmond, where he has practiced law since that time.

Mr. Cardwell is affiliated with the Demo-