Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/142

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Northern \'ir^inia. Confederate States of America. He studied law and was admitted to the bar of Goochland county, \'irginia ; he was judge of the (loochland county court. In politics he was a Democrat ; a member of the Presbyterian church. He married Violet Harris, daughter of Colonel David B. Har- ris, at Woodville, Goochland county, Vir- ginia. Her father was chief engineer on the staff of General G. T. Beauregard, Con- federate States army, in the defence of Charleston. South Carolina harbor, 1861- 63 ; and she is a descendant of Major Robert Harris, who came from England, and was ancestor of the Harris family in Louisa county, Virginia. His wife was Mrs. Rice, nee Claiborne. Issue of Mr. and Mrs. Leake, namely: David H., Louis K., Walter, Charles L., Margaret, Frederica, Eliza Over- ton.

Josiah Jordan Leake. (V) Samuel D. Leake, son of Josiah (2) (q. v.) and Eliza (or Elizabeth) Porter (Hatcher) Leake, was born at Rocky Spring, Virginia. De- cember 10. 1809. died in Ashland, Virginia. July 18, 1880. He was educated at Hamp- den-Sidney College, and all his life was a prosperous agriculturist. He married, September 16, 1833, Fanny Minor Kean. daughter of Dr. Andrew and Martha W. (Callis) Kean, of Cedar Plains. Goochland county. Dr. Andrew Kean, of Scotch-Irish parentage, came from Ireland to Virginia, settling in Alleghany county. He was a famous physician and a close friend of Thomas Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Leake had issue, inckuling William Josiah. of whom further.

(VI) William Josiah Leake, son of Sam- uel D. and Fanny Minor (Kean) Leake, was born in Goochland county, Virginia. September 30. 1843. ^^^ ^"^^^ ^ highly edu- cated lawyer and a cultured gentleman, judge of the \'irginia court of chancery at Richmond, served his term and declined a re-election. He served four years in the Confederate ami}- and was ever devoted to the service of his state. He held high and honorable position at the bar, was a jurist of distinction, and much esteemed by his fellow citizens. He died in Richmond, No- vember 23. 1908. He married. July 3. 1866, Sarah R. Jordan, born in Prince George county, Virginia, died May 23, 1890, daugh- ter of Tosiah M. lord.-m, died Xovember,

1886, and Mary C. (Anderson) Jordan, his wife. Children: Fanny K., married James Lindsay ; Patton ; Josiah Jordan, of whom further; Stuart C.

(\I]) Josiah Jordan Leake, son of Wil- liam Josiah and Sarah R. (Jordan) Leake, was born in Ashland, Hanover county, Vir- ginia, February 13, 1870. He attended Nor- wood's University School, in Richmond. 1882-85. entered Randolph-Macon College in 1885. from w^hence he was graduated with the degree of A. M., class of 1890. In that year he entered the law department of the University of Virginia, and received his degree of B. L., class of 1893. During his last two years at Randolph-Macon College he was sub-professor in mathematics, but with this exception his time was all devoted to acquiring a classical and professional edu- cation. Immediately after his graduation from the law school in June, 1893, ^^ began the practice of law in Richmond, this pro- fession having his personal preference and the goal of his ambition. He is a lawyer of high standing, admitted to practice in all the state and federal courts of the district, and in all the varied branches of his profes- sion transacts much business of importance. He is a member of the various legal socie- ties. Sons of the Revolution, Beta Theta Pi, and in religious matters is affiliated with Holy Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Democrat.

Mr. Leake married. December 7, 1904, Lisa Foulke Beirne. daughter of Richard F. and Clara G. Beirne. granddaughter of Pat- rick and Elizabeth F. Beirne. and of Thomas llillop and Clara ( Haxall) Grundy. Patrick Beirne came to Greenbrier county, Virginia, in 1812. from Rhodeen, parish of Aughrim, county of Roscommon. Ireland.

Edgar Bernard English. Edgar Bernard English is one of the rising lawyers of Rich- mond. Virginia, a type of the energy and enterprise which is raising the south from the period of depression of the post-bellum days, and placing it once more in the posi- tion of social and industrial importance that it had always occupied.

The first of the name of English in the direct line to come to this country was Wil- liam English, grandfather of Edgar Bernard English, who was a native of Mitchelsto\yn. county Cork. Ireland, who came to America in 1832 and lived his life in Richmond, Vir-