Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/226

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j^inia about 1O37. He married Elizabeth, dauj^'hter of Colonel Nicholas Martian, a IVench lluj^uienot. who was born in 1591 and came to X'irginia about 1620. John and Idi/.abeth (Warner) Lewis had a son John (3). who was born in 1694, and in 1718 mar- ried I'rances Fielding. Their son Fielding married Uetty. sister of George Washing- tun, and their son Charles, of Cedar Creek, was born in 1729 and served as colonel in Indian wars. He left a manuscrij)t diary de- scribing the expedition which terminated in "llraddock's Defeat." He married Lucy, (laughter of Colonel John Taliaferro, of Snow Creek. Their daughter. Mary Warner Lewis, was noted for her great beauty and grace, and she became the wife of Philip Lightfoot. as above described. After his death she married (second) Dr. John Bank- head, of Caroline, nephew of President Monroe.

The only son of FMiili]) and Mary Warner (Lewis) Lightfoot was Philij) Lightfoot. of Port Royal. He was born at Teddington. Sandy Point, in September. 1784, died July 22. 1863. He married Sarah Savigne. daugh- ter of William Bernard, of Mansfield. Vir- ginia, and they had children as follows: I'annic. Philip Lewis. John Bernard, Wil- liam P)ernard. l-",llen liankhead and Rosalie \ irginia.

Of these children. William Bernard Lightfoot was born at Port Royal, Caro- line county. X'irginia, December 16, 181 1, died February 5. 1870. He was a gradu- ate of the L'ni\ersity of Virginia. He was a large cotton planter; had a fine es- tate with many slaves and lived the life of the southern gentleman ])revious to the civil war. lie married (first) Roberta, daughter of Colonel Robert Beverly, of Blandfield. Essex county. Virginia, and (second) Sarah R. Ross, of Mobile, daughter of Captain

Jack F. Ross, L'nited States army, and

(Fisher) Ross. His children, besides Wil- liam P.ernard jr. were: Alfred Ross, born in 185J. counselor-at-law. New York City, married Marie Zoe (\'alle) Valle, of St. Louis, Missouri, deceased; Amelia Ross, de- ceased, married Leonard E. Locke; Sarah P.ernard. married Rcjbert Tarleton, both de- ceased ; Rosalie Vivian, married Alexander T. Leftwich, both deceased ; Nora Meade, married William Reynolds . Helen Virginia. iMimarricd.

William P.ernard I _> ) Lightfoot attended

southern schools and studied under private tutors on his father's estate. He early en- tered business life, where he has been very successful. He has lived in New York City since 1882 and interested himself in the banking and brokerage business in Wall street. Mr. Lightfoot takes an uctive m- terest in public affairs and is a progressive and enterprising citizen. In political views he is a Republican. He early became affi- liated with the Protestant Episcopal church, in Alabama, being confirmed by Bishop Richard H. W^ilmer. He belangs to the N'irginians of New York City; a resigned member of the Southern Society of New York. P'or ten years he was an ofificer in the Mobile Cadets. National Guard, Ala- bama. He keeps abreast of the times in general matters and has a large circle of friends. He has initiatix'e and executive al)ility of a high order, which have enabled him to make a success of his business under- takings and have given him an enviable position among his fellows.

Joseph Thomas Lawless. For a page of worthy American record of the Lawless family one needs but to pen a review of the career of Joseph Thomas Lawless, of "Clon- curry," Norfolk county. Virginia, while in the history of Ireland, the homeland, its members are placed for all time as men of purpose, devotees of civil and religious lib- erty, loyal and constant patriots. While for a volume of this nature more vital inter- est attaches to the family life in Virginia, the chronicle would be indeed incomplete were not a resume of the preceding genera- tions given. Mrginia is indebted to Joseph Thomas Lawless, of the second generation of his line in the United States, for able and faithful services in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of the state govern- ment, and as state senator, secretary of state, and judge of the circuit court of the county of Norfolk he has achieved notable personal reputation and has added a 1:)rilliant chapter to the annals of his line.

Thomas Joseph Lawdess. father of Joseph Thomas Lawless, and the American ances- tor of the Virginia line, descended from Walter Lawless, a member of an old Kil- kenny family, who by marriage connected his line with that of Rothe and died in Ire- land in 1627. His son. Richard, married Margaret Denn. of Grenan. and their son.