Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/256

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James, dauj:(hter of Benjamin James and Sarah Matilda (Johnson) Hughes. They were the parents of one son. Walker Watts, a manufacturer of Lynchburg.

(VI) Walker Watts Poindexter descends maternally from the Randolph and Wood- son families of \'irginia in the following lines : Walker Watts, son of Samuel Thomas Poindexter and Benjamina James Ilughes; Benjamina James Hughes, daugh- ter of Benjamin James Hughes and Sarah Matilda Johnson ; Benjamin James Hughes, son of Jesse Hughes and Mary Woodson Cheadle ; Mary Woodson Cheadle, daugnter oi John Cheadle and Elizabeth Royal Woodson ; Elizabeth Royal Woodson, daughter of Colonel John Woodson and Dorothea Randolph (see Randolph) ; Colo- nel John Woodson, son of Josiah Woodson and Mary Royal ; Josiah Woodson, son of Dr. John Woodson and Judith Tarlton ; John Woodson, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris ; Robert Woodson, son of Dr. John Woodson, of Dorsetshire, Eng- land, and his wife, Sarah, of Devonshire, England.

Dorothy Randolph, of previous mention, daughter of Isham Randolph, of Dungeness and Jane Rogers, of London, England ; Isham Randolph, son of William Randolph, of Turkey Island, attorney-general of Vir- ginia in 1696, speaker of the house of bur- gesses in i'")98, clerk of the house in 1702, and Mary Isham. daughter of Henry Isham of Bermuda Hundred on James river; Wil- liam Randolph, of Turkey Island, son of Richard Randolph and Elizabeth Ryland, of Warwickshire, England ; Richard Randolph, son of William Randolph and Dorothy Lane; William Randolph, son of Robert Randolph, of Hams, Sussex, England, gen- tleman, and Rose Roberts, daughters of Thdmas Ruberis. of I lawkhurst. Kent. Eng- land.

James Doddridge Patten. Born in Dan- ville, \irginia. Mr. Patton's boyhood wit- nessed the exciting scenes of war and as a lad he was enrolled among the defenders ot his home town. Since 1874 a successful business man of Richmond, an honored member of councils, and representing her in the house of delegates, he is now living a retired life within her borders. He is a representative of an old X'irginia family of business and professional men. all of whom

have borne well their part in whatever sta- tion in life placed. He is a son of William S. Patton, of Danville, and a grandson of James Doddridge Patton, from whom he takes his name.

( I ) Dr. James Doddridge ( i ) Patton was born in Rockbridge county. Virginia, stud- ied medicine and located in Danville, w^here he was engaged in honorable practice all his life. He was skilled in his profession and a man of influence in his community. He married Mary Fearn, born in Pittsyl- vania county, Virginia, died in Danville, leaving issue.

(II) William S. Patton, son of Dr. James Doddridge and Mary (Fearn) Patton, was born in Danville. Virginia, January 16, 1816, died there in 1884. After completing his education, he became a banker and was one of the leading financiers of the city for many years, death only terminating his useful activities. He w^as public-spirited, generous and of sterling, upright character, honored and esteemed by all. He married Cather- ine A. Ross, born in Danville in 1824. died there in 1877. daughter of John Ross, born in county Antrim. Ireland. Pie came to the United States when a young man. locating finally in Danville, where he was engaged as a merchant until his death. He married a Miss Allen, daughter of Lieutenant Al- len, an officer of the revolutionary army. Children of William S. Patton. all sons, but two still living: John Ross, born in 1846, died in 1877; William Fearn, born Febru- ary 27, 1849. succeeded his father in busi- ness, and is yet a banker of Danville ; James Doddridge, of whom further ; Julius Allen, born January 17, 1857. died aged thirty- four years.

(HI) James Doddridge (2) Patton, son of William S. and Catherine A. (Ross) Patton, was born in Danville, Virginia. He was edu- cated in Danville schools. Danville Academy and Baltimore Business College. His inclina- tion and ambition was all for a business career, rnd after leaving school he at once entered mercantile life at Danville, continu- ing in business there until 1874. when he located in Richmond. \'irginia. He there en- gaged for many years in the tobacco supply business and prospered abundantly. He ac- quired other interests outside his business, manufacturing, meat ])acking, etc.. and al- though now retired from active participation in their oj)eration. continues his long time