Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/263

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of Murfreesboro, Xorth Carolina. Children, all born in Franklin, Virginia: i. Lelia Parker, born April 18, 1889, educated in the Franklin Female Seminary. 2. Willie Thomas (2), born September 29, 1891, edu- cated at FVanklin high school and Randolph- Macon Academy, now associated with his father in the hardware business. 3. John James, born March 20, 1894. educated in public schools and Randolph-Macon Acad- emy, now associated with his father and brother in business. 4. Frank Story, born January 11. 1897. educated in public schools of Franklin and Norfolk, Virginia, now a student in Norfolk high school. 5. Hender- son Leigh, born July 12, 1900. 6. Marie Louise, born October 3, 1902. 7. Emmett Herbert, born April 19, 1905.

Charles W. Priddy. The family of which Charles W. Priddy. a successful business men of Norfolk. Virginia, is a worthy repre- sentative, is well known in the state of Vir- ginia, its members being noted for the up- rightness of their character, success in busi- ness life and the interest they manifest in the welfare of their state.

(I) Robert Priddy, paternal grandfather of Charles W. Priddy, was born in Henrico county, Virginia, January 23, 1789, died Oc- tober 5, 1838. He was a farmer and planter, also a slave owner, and was highly respected by all with whom he was brought in con- tact. He married Nancy D. Frances, born November 17, 1800, died February 17, 1862. Robert and Nancy D. (Frances) Priddy were the parents of eight children : John Dabney, of whom further ; Frances Anne, born July 29. 181 7, married Richard Gray, died in Alarch. 1869; Joseph S., born August 16. 1819. died April i. 1887; Elizabeth E., born October 9. 1822, died February 9, 1826; Thomas G., born August 31, 1825, died Au- gust 12, 1832; Robert W., born January 3, 1828, died December 6. 1901 ; William K., born January 20, 1831 ; Martha R. B., born September 18, 1833. married Henry Ellis, died April 18, 1865.

(II) John Dabney Priddy. father of Charles W. Priddy. was born November 6. 1815. in Henrico county. Virginia, died January 2t,, 1887. Hs '^^'^s also a farmer and slave owner, his extensive plantation being located in Keysville. Charlotte county. Virginia. He was held in high esteem by his many friends, and he was a man of influence in the community. He married, October 31,

1838. Mary E. Merryman, born July 17, 1823, died b^bruary 6, 1895. daughter of Thomas V. and Peggy (Baldwin) Merry- man, who were the parents of two other children: William I., born April 17, 1817, died January 19. 1848. and Thomas J., date of birth and death unknown. Thomas F. Merryman was born April 18. 1782, died at Keysville, Charlotte county. Virginia. Au- gust 16, 1839: married. February 2. 1816, Peggy Baldwin, born Septeml)er 28. 1792, died at Keysville. \^irginia. date unknown. Mr. and Mrs. John Dabney Priddy were the parents of eight children: Margaret Ann, l3orn December 2y, 1842. married, July 8, 1863. John M. Whitehead, died May 31, 1903 ; Robert T.. born October 21, 1845, mar- ried. October 2^, 1867, Lavinia A. W'atkins ; Sarah Eliza, born December 2y, 1849, f^i^d January, 1881 ; John Gustavus, born April 8. 1S54, died March, 1892; Cornelia F., date of birth and death unknown ; Lucy Alma, born July 14, 1856, married. November 13, 1878, Richard G. Bailey; Mary Helen, born Alarch 6, 1858. married, November 13, 1878, Richard H. Gilliam, died December 3, 1885 ; Charles W.. of whom further.

(HI) Charles W. Priddy was born in Keysville, Charlotte county, Virginia, Octo- ber 6, 1864. He obtained a practical educa- tion by attendance at the county school, a private school, and Eastman's Business Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, New York, from which institution he was graduated in 1882. His first employment was as bookkeeper m a fertilizer factory in Richmond. Virginia, in which capacity he served until 1888. He then went to North Carolina and engaged in mercantile business until 1893, then moved to Baltimore, Maryland, and en- gaged in the fertilizer business, remaining there until 1896, the latter year coming to Norfolk, Virginia, and planned and organ- ized the Pocomoke Guano Company of Vir- ginia, of which corporation he was secretary for some years, later becoming its president, and under his competent management it has become one of the most successful firms in that line of business in the country. In ad- dition to this he serves as director and mem- ber of the executive committee of the Nor- folk National Bank, and as director of the American Agricultural Chemical Company of New York, one of the most extensive concerns of its kind in the world. Mr. Priddy is active in community affairs, ad-