Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/292

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ifter a business career passed in Richmond, \'irginia, where he became proprietor of a mercantile establishment immediately after the close of the war. He is a member of the I 'nited Confederate Veterans, for many ears filling the position of secretary in his amp, and belongs to the Baptist church. ' hildren of Lawson A. and Sarah L. (Old- ham) Weaver: i. Virginia, deceased. 2. ' )l(lham, deceased. 3. V. Garland, of whom iirther. 4. L. Newton, born in 1883, edu- ated in Fredericksburg College, became assistant cashier of the Bank of Middlesex, L'rbanna, Virginia, his brother, V. Garland, being cashier. When V. Garland W^eaver resigned his office, L. Newton was elected cashier, in 1908, and so continues. He is a member of the Masonic order. 5. Gertrude, deceased. 6. Elizabeth, deceased. 7. Wiley \\' ., born in 1888. was graduated A. B. irom ' rcdericksburg College in the class of 1910, o\v a bookkeeper in the First National '•link, of Portsmouth. Virginia. He is a iiemljer of lodge and chapter, Masonic rder.

V. (jarland Weaver, son of Lawson and --arah L. (Oldham) W'eaver, was born in Baltimore. Maryland, in 1880. Public school instruction and study under private tutors prepared him for matriculation at I' rcdericksburg College, whence he was graduated A. B.. and he at once identified himself with banking, entering the employ of Conway. Gordon & Garnett. of Freder- icks])urg, \'irginia. \\'hile with this firm he became solidly schooled in rnatters financial, leaving their employ to accept the cashier- ship of the Bank of Middlesex, at Urbanna, Virginia, with which he was connected for ten years. At the end of this time he formed an association with the First National Bank of Portsmouth, Virginia, in the same capa- city, holding the position of cashier from 190S until 1912. the latter year witnessing his election to the presidency of the bank. His administration thus far has been ample proof that whitened hair and age-ripened judgment are not requisites for those in high financial position, and he has guided the affairs of the First National with skill, discretion and ability. The greatest of con- fidence is reposed in his leadership by the directors of the institution, and the present substantial condition of the bank supports this confidence in a most convincing man- ner. Mr. Weaver is a communicant of the

family faith, the Baptist, and belongs to Urbanna Lodge, No. 83, Free and Accepted Masons.

He married, in 1904, Sally R., born in Middlesex county, Virginia, daughter of John R. Segar. and has children : V. Gar- land, Jr., born July 17, 1906; John R., born February 17, 1908.

Wilkinson. The line of Wilkinson of which Robert M., William S. and George

F. Wilkinson are representatives in Virginia in the fourth American generation was founded in Virginia by Nicholas Wilkinson, a native of county of Limerick, province of Munster, Ireland. He was accompanied to his new home by two brothers, and settled in Norfolk. He was twice married. Nich- olas ^^'ilkinson had enjoyed exceptionally good educational advantages, and in Nor- folk taught school, his appellation, univer- sally used, being "Professor." By his first marriage he was the father of one daughter, by his second, with Elizabeth Llewellyn, he had a son, John G.

(II) John G. Wilkinson, son of the pio- neer Nicholas and Elizabeth (Llewellyn) Wilkinson, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1796, and as a boy his studies were di- rected by his father. W'hen a lad of six- teen years he went to the front in the sec- ond war with Great Britain, and after peace had been declared entered the store of Rob- ert Steed & Company, importers engaged in the West Indian trade. John G. Wilkinson was later connected with the United States and then the Exchange Banks. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and. a vocalist of talent and ability, for a long time sang in the choir of the church wherein he worshipped. He supported the Whig party in politics. John G. Wilkinson married Elizabeth Keeling, and had issue : Mary E. ; Margaret; John N. ; Paulina; James; Robert; William S.. of whom fur- ther ; Henry Augustine ; and Georgianna Wilson.

(HI) William S. Wilkinson, son of John

G. and Elizabeth (Keeling) Wilkinson, was born in 1833. died in 1888. He attended the academy at Norfolk, his birthplace, and be- gan business life as a bookkeeper with John 1>. Hardy & Company, afterward becoming at the close of the war connected with the independent bank of J. W. Whitehust & Company. In the organization of the Bank