Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 4.djvu/580

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known as sea captains of the first class, vessel owners, men of daring bravery, level- headed judgment and as men to whom with safety lives and property may be consigned.

(I) Captain Isaac Foster, who served in the war of 1812, was a sea captain, engaged in the coasting trade, owning several ves- sels and other property. He was a devoted Methodist and gave much time and money to the furtherance of the interests of the church he loved. He married Mary Miller and had issue : Julia, Baldwin, John, Seth, Isaac, Elizabeth, Shepard.

(II) Baldwin Foster, eldest son of Cap- tain Isaac and Mary (Miller) Foster, was born in Mathews county, Virginia, in 181 5. He attended public schools and learned the blacksmiths' trade, he being one of the Fosters who did not exclusively follow the sea. In 1855 he located in Norfolk, passed through the yellow fever epidemic of that year in safety and attained fortune and prominence in the public life of his native county. He was for many years sheriff of Mathews county, owned a great deal of property in vessels and land and was one of the most generous, helpful of men, never refusing any call upon his sympathy or pocket. He married Rebecca James. Chil- dren : I. Adeline, born in 1846, married in 1867, H. K. Evans. 2. Leora, born in 1848, married in April, 1865, John C. Thomas ; children : Charles T., Lessie, \'irgie. 3. Lemuel, born in 1850. 4. John Baldwin of further mention. 5. Edward, born in 1854, married Nannie Hunley ; children: Muse, Flenry, Percy. 6. Fannie, born in 1857, mar- ried Charles Wicks. 7. \\'illiam Shepherd, of further mention.

(III) John Baldwin Foster, son of Bald- win and Rebecca (James) Foster, was born in Mathews county, \'irginia, August 1852. He attended public schools and from early life has followed the sea. In youth he became familiar with the waters of Chesa- peake Hay. upon which Mathews county borders, his explorations rendering his knowledge most exact and extensive. He made many voyages to coastwise ports on his father's vessels and became a thoroughly capable seaman. He qualified as a pilot and until he was thirty-five years of age was an active member of the Chesapeake Bay Pilots' Association, rating one of the most capable and trustworthy of that fine body of men. In 1887 he located in Norfolk and for

twenty-seven years has been in the constant employ of the Norfolk and Portsmouth Ferry Company. He is a member of the Chesapeake Bay Pilots' Association and of the Masters' and Mates' Association, these being composed exclusively of pilots, cap- tains and mates, who are or have been pilots, captains or mates in actual sea ser- vice. His record of efiiciency is a proud one and his rating in marine circles is A-i. John Baldwin Foster married, December 15, 1875, Estelle Herbert. Children are as fol- lows :

(IV) Herbert Rogers Foster, eldest son of John Baldwin Foster, was born July 22, 1877, in Norfolk. He obtained his education in the Robert Gatewood school. He chose his father's calling and served the rigorous apprenticeship through which all must pass who would write after his name "Pilot." He served later as quartermaster with the New York, Portsmouth and Norfolk Steamship Company, then entered the service of the Alerritt and Chapman Wrecking Company, as mate. He was advanced to the command of the wrecking steamer "T. J. Merritt" and is now captain of the steamer "Relief," sta- tioned at Kingston, Jamaica. He is a mem- ber of the Masters' and Mates' Association of New York, Norfolk and Kingston, and one of the hardy capable men w^ho "go down to the sea in ships." He is a member of the Masonic order and highly esteemed by his brethren of that fraternity. Captain Her- bert R. Foster married \'ivian Dashiell. Children: Herbert G., born July 14, 1904; George Baldwin, December 30, 1906; Stan- ford Lee, May, 1908.

(I\') Caroll Baldwin Foster, second son of John Baldwin Foster, was born August 24, 1884. He was educated in the Robert Gatewood school at Norfolk. He also served a regular apprenticeship as pilot and is now one of the capable pilots of the Virginia coast. He married (first) Annie Willard Jacobs, born in 1889, died May 8, 1910, leaving a son, Caroll B. (2). born January II, 1908. He married (second) Ola Wilson.

(IV') Russell Sage Foster, third son of John Baldwin Foster, was born April 14, 18.S6. He was educated in the public schools, and after completing his studies broke away from family tradition and instead of adopt- ing the family calling entered mercantile life as clerk. After several years he capitalized his knowledge of the goods he had been sell-