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"A good engineer must be of inflexible integrity, sober, truthful; accurate, resolute, discreet, of cool and sound judgment, must have command of his temper, must have courage to resist and repel attempts at intimidation, o firmness that is proof against solicitation, flattery or improper bias of any kind, must take an interest in his work, must be energetic, quick to decide, prompt to act, must be fair and impartial as a judge on the bench, must have experience in his work and dealing with men, which implies some maturity of years, must have business habits and knowledge of accounts. Men who combine these qualities are not to be picked up every day. Still, they can be found. But they are greatly in demand and when found they are worth their price; rather, they are beyond price and their value cannot be estimated by dollars."
—Chief Engineer Sterling's Report to the Mississippi Levee Commissioners.