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"Hydraulic Engineer" is now borne by three classes of engineers:

Hydraulic civil engineers are skilled in the survey, planning, designing and construction of canals, dams and power houses; also in the design, construction and operation of water works for municipalities, irrigation and drainage projects.

Hydraulic mechanical engineers are skilled in the design and construction of all kinds of hydraulic machinery, including hydraulic presses, water wheels, turbines, etc.

Hydraulic electrical engineers are skilled in the design, installation and operation of hydro-electric plants.

The sanitary engineer is an important man to-day and his value to the community is increasing. He may be employed to design and construct systems for the sewering of municipalities and the purification of sewage, and he may be employed to design and construct water works systems and plants to purify water. The tendency, however, is marked to limit the sanitary engineer to the design and construction of plants to purify sewage and domestic water supplies.

The municipal engineer is charged with the planning and construction of water works, sewerage systems and street improvements within the corporate limits of municipalities. For the purification of sewage or water he calls in the consulting sanitary engineer and for the bringing of the