Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/102

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embark, lo̍h-tsûn; chiẽⁿ-tsûn; tah-tsûn.

embarrassed, chìn-thò liáng-lân; m̄-káⁿ kìⁿ-nâng. embarrassing, thām-thūi.

embers, húe-hu.

embezzle, thau-àm-chîⁿ; àm-chîⁿ; àm-thun; sai-ēng; sai-tshú.

emblem, piáu-iēⁿ; kì-hō.

embrace, phõ; sie-phõ; lám. opportunity, sêng-sì; sêng-ki-hũe.

embrasure, tōa-phàu-khang; tōa-chhèng-khang.

embroider, chhiah-hue; siù-hue; thie-hue; thie-siù.

embroil, seⁿ-sṳ̄; tsak-lũan.

embryo, hâi-thai.

emerge, phû--tshut-lâi; phû--khí-lâi; huat-hīn.

emergency, kín-kip kâi-sṳ̄. able to act in an, ũ-khûan-pièn; ũ-pièn-thong.

emetic, huat-thòu-ie̍h; thòu-ie̍h.

emigrate, î-kṳ; chhien-kṳ; súa-kṳ; tshut-tsóu; chhien-súa; khṳ̀-pa̍t-kò khiã-khí. abroad, kùe-huan.

eminent, thiàu-khûn; tshut-chèng; tshut-thoh; thiàu-thut; kùe-nâng. physician, tshut-miâⁿ sin-seⁿ; hién-miâⁿ sin-seⁿ; kau-miâⁿ sin-seⁿ.

emissary, só-sái--kâi; sài-chiá. spy, thàm-bé; thàm-kiáⁿ; pò-kiáⁿ; kan-thàm; kan-sòi.

emit, huat-tshut; sià-tshut; pàng--tshut-lâi; tshut.

emolument, hóng-lo̍k.

emotion, tõng-sim; kám-tõng.

emperor, huâng-tì; uâng-siãng; hûang-siãng. empress, hûang-hõu.

emphatic, tàⁿ-kàu chhiet-zua̍h; tie̍h-chhiet tie̍h-zua̍h; tàⁿ-tshut-la̍t. lay the emphasis on a word in reading, tha̍k-tsãi; tha̍k-tãng.

empire, kok.

employ, ēng; sái. employer, thâu-ló; tshâi-tsú. of teacher, tong-ke; tong-tsú. employment, sṳ̄; sṳ̄-ngia̍p. without, bô-sṳ̄ hó-tsò. help one to get, khan-kũaⁿ; khan-sêng; thî-pua̍t.

empoison, lo̍h-hãn-ie̍h; lo̍h-ie̍h; lo̍h-ta̍k.

emporium, tōa-pou-thâu.

empower, hù-thoh; úi; thoh; pun-khûan-jĩm khṳ̃-i.

empty, khang; khang-khak; khang-hṳ; khang-phàⁿ. handed, khang-chhiú. to empty out, tò-tiāu. empty from