Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/125

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foam, from mouth, tshùi-nũaⁿ; thâm. on water, tsúi-phue̍h.

fodder, niêⁿ-tsháu.

foe, chhiû-te̍k; tùi-thâu.

fog, in-bū; mông-bū; mông-in; hûn-bū. foggy weather, thiⁿ-sî huat-mông.

foil, frustrate a plot, phùa-kòi; chiang-kòi chiū-kòi. tin-foil, siah-po̍h.

fold, sheep, iêⁿ-nûaⁿ; iêⁿ-lô.

fold, to, chih. how many times shall I fold it? áiⁿ-chih-tsò jie̍h-tsōi-chih? àiⁿ-chih-tsò jie̍h-tsōi-tsâng? àiⁿ-chih-tsò kúi-ē? plait three folds, pĩⁿ-saⁿ-kóu. as of paper, têng. to make folds or plaits on dress, nia̍p-kóiⁿ; khieh-kóiⁿ. fold the hands and salute one, kióng-chhiú tsak-ip. the arms, tshah-chhiú; tsha-chhiú (less complete, hands together on the breast). two-fold, kia-pũe; ha̍p-pũe. manifold, ke-ke-pũe.

foliage, chhiū-hie̍h. dense, chhiū-hie̍h mõng-sẽng; ba̍t-tsa̍t; tsa̍t-tsa̍t; ap-ap; im-im.

follow, tshông; tùe; kṳn-sûi. as successor, chiap; chih. one's example, o̍h-iēⁿ; tùe-iēⁿ; chiè-iēⁿ; hāu-o̍h. in one's steps, tùe i kâi-kha-pōu. one's advice, thiaⁿ nâng khn̍g-kòi; thiaⁿ-nâng-tàⁿ. one's own inclination, jĩm-ì; jĩm ka-kī kâi-ì. customs, tshông-so̍k; tshông-sì-so̍k. follower or disciple, mn̂g-jîn; mn̂g-seng; mn̂g-thû.

folly, ngà-sṳ̄.

fomentation, ù-sie; tah-sie.

fond, thiàⁿ-sieh; hàuⁿ; ne̍k-ài (to excess). fond of wine, hàuⁿ-chiú.

food, chia̍h; chia̍h-mu̍eh; kháu-chia̍h; bí-niêⁿ; kháu-siâm.

fool, ngà; ngà-nâng; chhi-ko; chhi-chhi ngâi-ngâi.

foot, kha. sole of, kha-tói. barefoot, thn̍g-chhiah-kha; pak-chhiah-kha. walk on, pōu-kiâⁿ; kiâⁿ. trample under, ta̍h-tiāu. of hill, suaⁿ-kha. -ball, that-kiû. -path, lōu-kiáⁿ; sié-lōu. -step, kha-chiah (as seen); kha-pōu (as heard). -stool, kha-ta̍h; ta̍h-póiⁿ-íⁿ. measure, chhieh. a foot and a half long, chhieh-pùaⁿ-tn̂g; tn̂g chhieh-pùaⁿ.

fop, bàuⁿ-phâi-chhiâng; hàuⁿ-pâi-chhiâng.

for, in place of, thòi. sell for ready money, bōi-hīn-