Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/128

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forsake, lī-khui; pàng-tiāu.

fort, phàu-thâi; sìn-tī; iâⁿ-pûaⁿ.

forth, come, tshut--lâi. from this time, tshông-kim íⁿ-ãu.

forthwith, sûi-chiet; sûi-sî; chiet-khek; chiet-sok.

fortitude, táⁿ-liãng. a man of, ũ-táⁿ-liãng.

fortuitous, ngóu-jiên; ngóu-ngõ ì-gūa; siẽⁿ-m̄-kàu.

fortunate, tsãu-hùe; ũ-tshâi-khì; hẽng-tit.

fortune, miāⁿ; ūn-khì; khì-ūn. good, hó-miāⁿ. bad, khiap-miāⁿ; khóu-miāⁿ; po̍h-miāⁿ. to tell one's, khùaⁿ-miāⁿ; sǹg-miāⁿ; chhê-sì-thiãu; sǹg-poih-jī; pok-khùe. teller, lo̍h ngóu-chheⁿ sin-seⁿ; khùaⁿ-miāⁿ sin-seⁿ; chheⁿ-mêⁿ sin-seⁿ. to make one's, huat-tshâi.

forty, sì-tsa̍p.

forward, hiàng-tsôiⁿ. go, chìn-tsôiⁿ; kṳ̃n-tsôiⁿ. bent, hâu-ie. a letter, thòi-kià-sìn. disposition, tōa-táⁿ; bô-kui-kṳ́.

foster, iáng; iáng-io̍k; bú-iáng; chhī-tōa. mother, nîⁿ-bó (wet-nurse); iáng-bó. son, iáng-kiáⁿ; mêng-lêng-kiáⁿ. (the last three expressions must not be used in addressing the parties.)

foul, u-ùe; nah-sap; nah-sap-sièⁿ. wind, nge̍k-huang; m̄-sũn-huang; tùi-thâu-huang; tng-thâu-huang; thêⁿ-thâu-huang. mouthed, tshou-tshùi; tshou-tshò; ak-tshùi; ta̍k-tshùi; tshùi ak-ta̍k.

found, a dynasty, khai-kok; tshàng-kok; li̍p-chhiâu. metal, tsù-kim. iron-foundry, tsù-thih-lôu.

foundation, of house, tī-kha; ki-chí; tī-ki. to lay, pàng-tī-kha; kiẽn-tī-kha.

founder, tîm-tsûn; huang phah-tiāu-tsûn; sái-khap--lo̍h-khṳ̀.

foundling, hospital, io̍k-eng-tn̂g.

fountain, tsûaⁿ; tsúi-tsûaⁿ; tsûaⁿ-tsúi; ngûan-tsûaⁿ; suaⁿ-tsûaⁿ; kheⁿ-tsûaⁿ; ngûan-thâu; pńg-ngûan.

four, sì. -cornered, sì-kak. -square, sì-pang. -fold, sì-pũe.

fowl, koi; chiáu. water, tsúi-chiáu. domestic, koi. to, lia̍h-chiáu; phah-chiáu; thi-chiáu; iap-chiáu; siā-chiáu. fowling-piece, chiáu-chhèng.

fox, hôu-lâi; suaⁿ-káu.

fraction, lân-ló; lân-tshùi; tshàm-tshùi.

fracture, chi̍h. bone, chi̍h-kut.

fragile, nńg-jia̍k; kōi-phùa; sou-sou.