Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/13

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advance, for saiⁿ read soiⁿ.
bed, tsṳ tsṳ̂.
blue, vitriol, see under vitriol, more correct.
broil, for mãuⁿ read nãuⁿ.
calamity, tshou tshôu.
calibre, chhéng chhèng.
chair, kiè kiē.
collision, tiāⁿ tiaⁿ.
consider, tà.
cornice, chhieⁿ chhiêⁿ.
cumbersome, lūi thūi.
delicate bî.
disguise, pān pàn.
dispute, tshâu tshàu.
enter, jip-tiâⁿ ji̍p-tiâⁿ.
flesh, se̍k sek.
fold (1st line) áiⁿ àiⁿ.
force, khṳ́ (twice) khṳ̀.
giant, hãn hàn.
glare, chie chiè.
go (5th line) tshṳ̀ tshù.
heir, zûi zũi.
hush, hua hûa.
insignificant, kàu hô-kàu.
intelligible, koi (twice) kōi.
joint, ku̍t kut.
jostle, ói (twice) oi.
likely, siaⁿ siâⁿ.
magnanimous hêng heng.
make, a loss up a loss.
name, pĩⁿ pĩ.
new, your year.
nipples, nîⁿ niⁿ.
pronounce, táⁿ tàⁿ.
revenge, after pò-chhiû insert semi-colon.
rust for kuah read kauh.
secret, sia sai.
series, after pín-lie̍t insert semi-colon.
tack, for hùe read kùe.
taint, ma̍k mak.
thief, tsa̍t tsha̍t.
tumult, kã and ka kâ.
unspeakable, tie̍h-uân tie̍h uân̄.
with (5th line) chhiū chhiú.
worse, zú.