Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/134

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gash, to, phoh kâi-sieⁿ-kháu; le̍h.

gasp, kip-khùi; tshuán; tshuán-khì; tshuán-kip.

gate, mn̂g; tōa-mn̂g. sity-, siâⁿ-mn̂g. street-, tsa̍h-mn̂g; koi-tsa̍h.

gather, siu; siu-si̍p; siu-bûa; siu-si̍p-bûa; siu-khí. as people, tsũ-chi̍p; chi̍p-hũe; hũe-chi̍p; tsũ-hũe; hũe-ha̍h; hũe-bûa; ha̍h-bûa. flowers, tiah-hue.

gaudy, kuang-tshái; phâi-chhiâng; chheng-tshái; iām-lĩ.

gauze, se.

gay, iâu-i̍t; kuang-tshái; phâi-chhiâng; hûa-múiⁿ; ngiá.

gaze, ma̍k kim-kim thóiⁿ; thóiⁿ kàu ma̍k bõi-nihⁿ.

gazette, Peking, kiaⁿ-pò.

gear, of boat, &c, ke-húe.

gelatinous, ũ-ka-liâm; ũ-tan-tah.

gem, ge̍k; pó-ge̍k; pó-chie̍h; pó-pùe.

genealogy, tso̍k-phóu. ranks of, pùe-sũ. general (comprehensive), thóng; thong; tsóng; kong. term, tsóng-miâⁿ; lóng-thóng-tàⁿ. don't use general terms but be precise, lṳ́ chhiet-si̍t lâi-tàⁿ, màiⁿ-lóng-thóng; chí-tiāⁿ, màiⁿ-hùam-sueh. use, thong-ēng. peace, thài-phêng. generally speaking, tãi-khài; thóng-thóng; tãi-sì; tãi-lia̍k.

general, in the army, tsóng-piaⁿ; tsóng-piaⁿ-kuaⁿ; tsóng-zông. generalissimo, ngûan-sùe; tsú-sùe.

generate, seⁿ.

generation, tō; sì-tō. from one, to another, le̍h-tō. future, ãu-tō.

generous, sim-heng khuah-khuah; khuang-khài; ũ-tóu-liãng; tóu-liãng hó; tóu-liãng khuan-khuan; khuan-iông tãi-liãng. see LIBERAL.

genial, un-hûa (of men or weather); un-jiû (of men); un-lúan (of the weather); chhiẽⁿ-sie (warm).

genii, sien; sîn-sien. the eight, poih-sien. their habitation, sien-kéng.

genius, a, tshâi-tsṳ́; ũ-tshâi-chhêng kâi-nâng.

genteel, bûn-ngiá; sṳ-bûn (accomplished).

gentle, un-bûa; hûa-sũn; un-jiû; liâng-siẽn. see GENTLY.

gentleman, thài-kong (father of graduate); lãu-tia (mandarin, but also wider use); lãu-nâng-ke; lãu-iâ. young, siàu-iâ (son of mandarin). this old gentleman, chí-ūi lãu-nâng-ke.