Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/137

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gloss, over a fault, chia-buah; iám-sek. commentary, tsù-kói. glossy, kng-kng.

gloves, chhiú-thàu, put on, lap-chhiú-thàu; kùa-chhiú-thàu.

glow, jie̍t; jie̍t-jie̍t âng-âng. glowing coals, âng-húe-thòaⁿ; jie̍t-thòaⁿ. with rage, sim jie̍t, mīn âng.

glue, ka; gû-phûe-ka. to, ēng-ka ún-tùe. glutinous, ũ-ka-liâm; liâm-nîⁿ tha-thi; kṳ̍t.

glume, tshou-khng; chhek-khak.

glut, pá-ṳ̀; chia̍h-kàu-màiⁿ; chia̍h-kàu-hẽng. in the market, hâng-chhêng pāi (or, nńg; thûaⁿ).

gluttonous, tham-chia̍h; hàuⁿ-chia̍h; tham-chia̍h kùe-tōu.

gnash, kã-gê; kã khí-gê-kṳn.

gnat, bun; bun-kiáⁿ.

gnaw, kã; khòi.

go, khṳ̀; kiâⁿ; tsáu; uáng. down, kàng; lo̍h; hiã. up, chiẽⁿ; seng; teng; khí. abroad, tshut-khṳ̀-gūa; tshut-gūa; kùe-kok; kùe-huan; kùe-iêⁿ. out, khṳ̀-kháu; tshut-khṳ̀-gūa; tshut-mn̂g; tshut-koi. out, as fire, húe kùe--khṳ̀. home, hûe-ke; tńg-khṳ̀-tshṳ̀; kui-ke. into the house, khṳ̀-lãi. to, khṳ̀-kàu. about, uáng-lâi; chiẽⁿ-lo̍h; kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀. about, for amusement, thit-thô; múaⁿ-kò-la̍h. about, as ship, kùe-phâng. and bring, khṳ̀-khie̍h--lâi. to stool, kiâⁿ-tãng; chiẽⁿ-chhè; kiâⁿ-tãi-piẽn; tshut-kiong. to bed, khṳ̀-gu̍t. to market, chiẽⁿ-chhĩ; tshut-chhĩ; khṳ̀-chhĩ; tàu-hṳ. on foot, pōu-kiâⁿ; pōu-lién (of a person who would ordinarily have a conveyance). by water, tah-tsûn--khṳ̀. by land, le̍k-lōu--khṳ̀; tùi-lōu--khṳ̀. on board, lo̍h-tsûn. on shore, chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ; khí-tsúi; chiẽⁿ-khàm. upstairs, khṳ̀-lâu-téng; chiẽⁿ-lâu. to a feast, hù-sia̍h; khṳ̀-chia̍h-toh; èng-sia̍h. to examination, hù-kháu; èng-kháu; hù-chhì; èng-chhì. to heaven, chiẽⁿ-thiⁿ. quickly, kiâⁿ-méⁿ; tsáu-méⁿ; kúaⁿ-méⁿ. to visit, khṳ̀-sie-sûn; húang-chhin húang-iú; khṳ̀-pài-hāu. let him, iû-i-khṳ̀; thèng-i-khṳ̀; kui-i-khṳ̀; sûi-i-khṳ̀. where are you going? lṳ́ àiⁿ-khṳ̀ tî-kò? where has he gone? i khṳ̀-tî-kò? do not know where to go (or, where he has gone), m̄-tsai-tùi-tî-kò khṳ̀. with the tide, kúaⁿ-lâu; sũn-lâu. all through or over, kiâⁿ-kàu-thàu. together, tsò-pû-kiâⁿ; tsò-pû-khṳ̀; tâng-kiâⁿ. before, soiⁿ-kiâⁿ; thâu-tsôiⁿ-kiâⁿ;