Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/140

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sword, in the scabbard, to be ready, àn-kiàm siang-huâng. the throat, tẽⁿ-âu (with one hand); liū-âu (with both hands).

grass, tsháu. -plot, tsháu-pou. green, chheⁿ-tsháu. dry, ta-tsháu. to cut, kuah-tsháu. to burn, hiâⁿ-tsháu. to burn on the hills, pàng-húe sie-suaⁿ. to pull, mán-tsháu. bundle of, che̍k-pé-tsháu. tie up in small bundles for the fire, tîⁿ-oiⁿ; tîⁿ-tsháu-oiⁿ.

grasshopper, tsháu-mêⁿ.

grate, fire, húe-lôu; lôu-theng.

grate, to, as potatoes, nutmeg, &c, thuah. grater, thiu; thuah.

grating, of window, theng-chí.

grateful, kám-ṳn; kám-hũi; niáⁿ-chhêng; niáⁿ-hũi; kám-liãm; kám-tài; kám-pũe; m̄-káⁿ-buâng; kám-ṳn tài-tek. gratitude is scarce, tsai-chhêng--chiá chié, buâng-chhêng--chiá to.

gratuitous, mín-chîⁿ; pe̍h-pe̍h pun--nâng. distribution, as of medicine, tea, &c, si-ie̍h; si-tê.

grave, phûn; phûn-mõⁿ; suaⁿ-phûn; huang-tsúi; phûn-suaⁿ. to dig, a, khui-khuàng; khui-phûn (used more of opening the grave to remove the body). -stone, phûn-pi; pi-chie̍h; mõⁿ-pi. chie̍h-pi. worship at the, chì-phûn; chì-mõⁿ; sàu-mõⁿ; chì-sàu. -clothes, sien-i; sien-ho̍k. -yard, phûn-tī; phûn-suaⁿ; tsa̍p-tsǹg-tī. free, ngĩ-thóng.

grave, in manner, tuan-tsang; tsang-ngiâm; ui-ngiâm (stern and severe); hõu-tõng. matter, tōa-sṳ̄; iàu-kín; chhiet-iàu.

gravel, sua; sua-bó; thôu-bí-sua; tshou-sua. disease, sua-lîm.

graven, khek; tiau. on the memory, mêng-sim khek-kut. graving tool, tiau-to. -images, ngóu-sièⁿ.

gravy, tsap; thng; thng-tsap.

gray, húe-hu-sek; mâng-hue-sek; ba̍k-tsúi-sek. -shirting, ngûan-sek-pòu; pńg-sek-pòu; iêⁿ-pòu. hair, thâu-môⁿ tshang-pe̍h.

graze, as cattle, suaⁿ-téng chia̍h-tsháu; khòi-tsháu. to graze anything, hoi--tie̍h; khoi--tie̍h. the skin, khoi--tie̍h phûe-hu; khoi tùi-phûe-hu kùe.

grease, lâ. to, buah-lâ. greasy, seⁿ-lâ; seⁿ-iû.

great, tōa. and small, tōa-sòi; tãi-siáu. favour, tãi-