Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/152

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homage, kiong-kèng. to the emperor, chhiâu-pài. by tributary princes, chhiâu-kòng (includes tribute).

home, ke; tshù. at, tõ-tshù; tõ-lãi; tõ-ke-lãi; tõ; tõ--kò. go, hûe-ke; khṳ̀-tshù; tńg-khṳ̀-tshù; kui-ke; tńg-tshù; khṳ̀-lãi (if merely going inside). home made, pńg-tī-tsò.

homicide, suah-nâng; thâi-nâng. a, hiong-chhiú.

hone, bûa-to-chie̍h.

honest, tong-kãu; láu-si̍t; tong-hõu; phok-si̍t; tong-ti̍t, sêng-si̍t; pe̍h-ti̍t; chiàⁿ-ti̍t; chiàⁿ-keng; kong-tãu.

honey, phang-bi̍t; bi̍t. -comb, bi̍t-phoh; bi̍t-tsa; bi̍t-phièn.

hong, hâng; hâng-kháu. merchant, iêⁿ-siang.

Hongkong, Hiang-káng; kûn-tōa-lōu.

honour, tsun-kùi; thí-mīn; iông-hûa. to, kèng; tsun-kèng; kèng-tõng; kiong-kèng. to obey is better than to honour, kiong-kèng put-zû tshông-mẽng. honour father and mother, hàu-sũn pẽ-bó; kiâⁿ-hàu pẽ-bó. honoured sir, tsun-kè.

honorary, khang-hâm.

hood, soh-bō.

hoof, tôi.

hook, kau. fish-hook, hṳ̂-kau; tièⁿ-kau. hooked nose, phīⁿ kau-kau.

hoop, khou; tháng-khou.

hoot, tuah-nâng; tuah-siaⁿ.

hop, to, thiàu.

hope, hi-mōⁿ; mōⁿ; ngiáng-mōⁿ. hopeful, ũ-mōⁿ; hó-mōⁿ (promising). hopeless, bô-mōⁿ; tso̍h-mōⁿ; mín-mōⁿ. having too high hopes, chhia-mōⁿ.

horary, characters, twelve, tsa̍p-jī sî-sîn.

horde, che̍k-khûn-nâng; khûn-táng.

horizon, thiⁿ-kha. horizontal, hûeⁿ; pêⁿ.

horn, kak. cow's, gû-kak; deer's, te̍k-kak; te̍k-zông (young, used for medicine). shoe-, ôi-chhiau.

hornet, n̂g-phang.

horoscope, sì-thiãu; poih-jī. to look up one's, lũn-poih-jī; thóiⁿ-sì-thiãu.

horrible, khó-ùi; khó-kiaⁿ; tshūa-nâng-kiaⁿ; kiaⁿ-ĩ; hãi-ĩ.

horror, kiaⁿ-kũ kâi-hêng-mãuⁿ; kiaⁿ-kũ kâi-iēⁿ-sièⁿ; kiaⁿ-khiū. see HORRIBLE.

horse, bé. one, che̍k-chiah-bé. -shoe, bé-tôi-thih. -hair,