Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/161

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include, pau-hâm; pau-kuat. included, tõ-lãi.

incognito, ṳ́n-kiâⁿ; àm-húang; àm-chẽⁿ tshut--lâi.

incoherent, bô-thâu bô-búe; bô-tshṳ̀ bô-sũ; bô siang-liên-so̍k; m̄-kùan-tshùan.

incombustible, bõi-to̍h-húe; bõi-chia̍h-húe.

income, só-ji̍p; só-siu. official, hóng-lo̍k; iáng-liâm. from all quarters, tsa̍p-bũ-chîⁿ.

incommode, hûan-lâu; lâu-kè; lūi; lâu-tõng; hũn; hũn-jiáu; kiáu-jiáu; jiáu-tõng; kùe-jiãu.

incomparable, bô-hó-pí; bô-hó pí-pẽng; lân-íⁿ siang-pí; bô-sang.

incompetent, see INCAPABLE.

incomplete, m̄-tshûan; m̄-kàu; tsua̍h; khueh; khiàm-khueh; khih-khiàm.

inconceivable, lân-íⁿ chhek-ta̍t; siẽⁿ m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀.

incongruous, see INCONSISTENT.

inconsiderate, m̄-kṳ́n-sín; bô-sòi-jī.

inconsistent, m̄-tùi; siang-húan; pũe-lí; pũe-tãu; m̄-ha̍h.

inconstant, bô-siêⁿ-sim; bô-siêⁿ; ũ-thâu bô-búe; húan-ho̍k put-chhek; bô-hêng-sim; húan-húan ho̍k-ho̍k; póiⁿ-póiⁿ-tńg.

incontinent, put-lêng khiok-kí; bô-pín-tsat; bô-tsat-chì; put-lêng kuán-hat ka-kī.

inconvenient, put-piẽn.

incorporeal, bô-hêng; bô-thói; bô-tsuãng; bô-hêng bô-tsuãng.

incorrect, see INACCURATE.

incorrigible, m̄-khéng kói-pìⁿ; m̃-hùe-kói; ngẽ-sim; nguán-ngẽ.

incorruptible, bô-hùi-huãi; tshoiⁿ-kóu put-hiùⁿ; buān-nîⁿ put-hiùⁿ. of character, sim kien, ì kù; put-lêng tsang-chîⁿ-ngṳ̂n iú-ho̍k--i; kien-chip put-tshông.

increase, kia; thiⁿ-ke; thiam-ke; cheng-ke; kia-cheng; kia-thiam; heng-sẽng; mõng-sẽng.

incredible, put-tsok-sìn; lân-íⁿ siang-sìn; lân-sìn; miáu-mâng oh-sìn.

incredulous, bô-siang-sìn; m̄-hàuⁿ-sìn; m̃-sìn; ũ-tshai-gî; gî-sìn tsham-pùaⁿ (half believing); pùaⁿ-sìn pùaⁿ-gî (id.).

inculcate, hun-hù; teng-lêng tsok-hù.

incur, one's anger, tshok--tie̍h i-khì.