Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/174

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lady, a-niêⁿ; niêⁿ-niêⁿ; a-náiⁿ; thài-thài (wife of mandarin); hu-jîn (still higher).

lag, behind, lo̍h-ãu; tùe-m̄-tie̍h; m̄-chìn-tsôiⁿ.

lake, ôu; chek-tsúi-ôu.

lamb, iêⁿ-kiáⁿ; mîⁿ-iêⁿ-kiáⁿ. unborn lambs, sometimes eaten, iêⁿ-tho.

lame, kuái-kha; hièn-kha (less severe). walk, kiâⁿ-lōu kuái-a-kuái.

lament, khàu; ai-khàu; tháu-khùi; hûan-ló. lamentable, khó-sieh; khó-liên; chhi-tshám; chhi-liâng.

lamp, teng; teng-chhiū; teng-khêng; teng-húe. hanging, tiàu-teng. hand-, chhiú-teng. lamp-light, teng-ẽ. -wick, teng-sim. to light, tiám-teng; liám-teng; chiẽⁿ-teng; khui-teng. blow out, pûn-kùe; tshue--kùe; lâu--khí.

lampoon, bô-thâu-thiap; ki-chhiáu.

lance, chhieⁿ. lancet, khui-tshng-to.

land, tī; suaⁿ; tshân-hn̂g. land from a boat, chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ; khí-tsúi. on land, suaⁿ-téng. pay land tax, uân-niêⁿ; na̍p-niêⁿ. owner of, tshân-tsú. landing-place, lōu-thâu.

landlord, tshâi-tsú; tshù-tsú (of house); tshân-tsú (of land); tiàm-tsú (of inn); tiàm-ke (id).

landmark, tī-kài; kài-chie̍h; chie̍h-pi; tī-kài-pi. to look out for landmarks when at sea, thóiⁿ-suaⁿ-mn̂g; kam-suaⁿ-mn̂g; jīn-suaⁿ-thâu.

landscape, kuang-kéng. to paint, ūe-kéng-tī; ūe-suaⁿ-tsúi.

lane, hāng. a, che̍k-tiâu-hāng.

language, ūe; ūe-kù; ngân-gṳ́; thóu-thâm; im-gṳ́. written, bûn-jī. see COLLOQUIAL.

languid, khùn-tõaⁿ; phî-kũan; bô-cheng-sîn; bô-sîn-khì.

lank, bô-mih-ne̍k; sán; kut-thâu khià-khià.

lantern, teng-lâng; po-lî-teng. to carry, khiâ-teng-lâng (with rod attached); kũaⁿ-teng-lâng (hanging from the hand). hang many lanterns for congratulation, tiàu-teng. on high bamboos, when in trouble, chiẽⁿ-thiⁿ-teng. ornamental, in street, chiẽⁿ-teng-tû. carry after the idols, iâⁿ-teng. feast of lanterns, ngûan-siau-mêⁿ.

lap, sit in one's, tsõ tõ-kha--thâu.

lard, tṳ-lâ; tṳ-iû. to melt, luah-lâ. to fry in lard, chien-lâ.