Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/181

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little, sòi; chié; se-su; se-su-kiáⁿ; se-kiáⁿ; lân-ló; sut-kiáⁿ; tiám-kiáⁿ; tshoh-kiáⁿ-niⁿ; ni̍hⁿ-ni̍hⁿ-kiáⁿ; lân-su; su-su-kiáⁿ. little by little, chiãm-chiãm. a little, tshó-lia̍k; chhiáu-chhiáu. wait a little, tán--khùn-kiáⁿ; khiã-tiām--chē; chhiáⁿ-thẽng--chē. see SMALL.

liturgy, khî-táu-sek; khî-táu-bûn. to chant, liām-keng.

live, seⁿ; ua̍h. at a place, khiã-khí; kṳ-tsũ; tiū. from hand to mouth, sî-thàn sî-chia̍h.

livelihood, sṳ̄-ngiap; chia̍h-ēng. to work for, thàn-chia̍h.

lively, ua̍h-phuah; khiàu-thâu méⁿ.

liver, kuaⁿ. enlarged, kuaⁿ tōa.

lizard, chîⁿ-lêng.

load, a man's, che̍k-tàⁿ. of boat, che̍k-tsāi. to carry a, taⁿ-tàⁿ; tsài-mueu̍h. to load a vessel, hẽ-hùe; lo̍h-hùe. on the mind, sim-lãi chhin-chhiẽⁿ taⁿ-tãng-tàⁿ.

loadstone, hiap-chie̍h.

loaf, wheaten, mīⁿ-pau; che̍k-kò mīⁿ-pau.

loam, thôu-ne̍k; jiâu-tī.

lobe, of ear, hĩⁿ-tûi.

loathe, lóu; iàm; ù; iàm-tsūaⁿ; ià. loathsome, chhi-gî.

lobster, lêng-hê.

lock, só-thâu. foreign, ie̍h-kúi; iêⁿ-só; huan-só-thâu. the door, só-mn̂g. of a gun, chiáu-kiáⁿ; chiáu-thâu; chiáu-kha. of canal, tsúi-tsa̍h.

lockjaw, gê-kuan kã-kín; gê-khí kã-kín.

locust, huâng-thâng.

lodge, hiah; khiã-khí. a night, hiah-mêⁿ. lodging, hiah-tiàm; kheh-tiàm. hire a lodging, sùe-tshù kià-kṳ.

loft, lâu; lâu-koh; pùaⁿ-lâu; lâu-téng.

lofty, kûiⁿ; kau.

log, che̍k-tiâu-sam; tshâ-thâu.

loins, ie. gird, hâ-ie; hâ-ie-tòa. to shampoo, tûi-ie.

loiter, tam-thû; tam-tôa; hûa-tôa; tau-lâu.

lonely, to̍k-kṳ; sok-mo̍k; kou-chiau; kou-sok; tiām-tiām soh-soh; bô-phũaⁿ.

long, of measure, tn̂g. of time, kú. way, lōu hñg; lōu-thâu hñg.

long, to, luân-mōⁿ; sṳ-mõⁿ; it--tie̍h. great longing, khuah-mōⁿ.

longevity, chhiâng-siū; tn̂g-miāⁿ; siū-nguân tn̂g.