Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/183

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leh; lûi phah-kia-leh.

louse, sat-bó. breed, seⁿ-sat-bó; seⁿ-sat. comb out, pìn-tiāu sat. catch, lia̍h-sat. crush with nails or teeth, tak-sat.

lounge, ôiⁿ-iû; ôiⁿ-sin; ôiⁿ-u̍t; chheng-sũi; ôiⁿ-mîn; tham-tõaⁿ.

love, to, ài; ài-sieh; thóng-ài; siang-ài; kèng-ài (and respect). subst., jîn-ài; chhêng-ài; ṳn-ài. love blindly and over-indulge, ne̍k-ài. beloved, tit-nâng-sieh; tit-tóng. lovely, khó-ài. love-letter, chhêng-tsṳ (bad meaning). love-sick, chie-si-pēⁿ; siang-sṳ-pēⁿ; siang-sṳ-pĩn; ou-âng-pēⁿ. love virtue, hàuⁿ-siẽn; la̍k-siẽn hàuⁿ-tek.

low, kẽ. in stature, ói; kẽ-kẽ; ói-sòi. high and, kûiⁿ-kẽ; kau-ti. water, tsúi khó; tsúi ta; lâu khó-ta-ta. low people, hiã-pín; hiã-tsūaⁿ; hiã-liû (very mean). voice, sòi-siaⁿ. reading in a low voice, thiâm-ngîm chẽⁿ-tha̍k.

lower, to, lo̍h; pàng-lo̍h; tūi-lo̍h (as with rope). sail, hẽ-phâng; lo̍h-phâng; heh-phâng.

lowly, in mind, khiam-sùn. in rank, pui-tsūaⁿ. lowlands, phêng-nguân.

loyal, tong-sim; tong-ngĩ. minister, tong-chhîn.

luck, tsãu-hùe; hó-sî-ūn; huang-tsúi hó. what luck of late? kṳ̃n-sî kuang-kéng tsãi-seⁿ? lucky day, kit-ji̍t; hó-ji̍t-chí; siãng-kit ji̍t. to choose such, thóiⁿ-ji̍t; to̍h-ji̍t; siâng-to̍h kit-ji̍t. how lucky! tsãu-hùe! hiau-hẽng! hó-tshái!

ludicrous, hó-chhiè.

luggage, hêng-lí; hêng-tsuang; pau-kó sieⁿ-láng.

lukewarm, lā-lûn-sie; un-un. in mind, bô-néⁿ bô-zua̍h; sim tãⁿ-tãⁿ.

lumber, tshâ-sāi; sam-sāi; tshâ-liāu. to lumber up a place, tìn-tiāu tī-hng; hũn-tsa̍p tī-hng.

luminous, õi-kng; huat-kng; hâu-kng; tâng-tâng-kng.

lump, a, che̍k-kò. to lump or take together, tsò-che̍k-ē. in lumps, chiâⁿ-kò; kit-chiâⁿ-kò.

lunatic, tien-khuâng; huat-tien (quiet); huat-khuâng (violent); siáu; tùe-gu̍eh-siáu.

lunch, tiám-sim; chia̍h-ji̍t-tàu; chia̍h-pùaⁿ-kùa; chia̍h-tǹg-kiáⁿ.