Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/185

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magnificent, tsun-iông; tsun-tõng. scenery, khî-kéng. magnifying glass, hién-mûiⁿ-kiàⁿ.

magpie, kheh-chiáu; hí-chiáu; hí-chhiak.

maid, tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; a-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ. house-maid, chhiah-kha; tsáu-kúi (common term, but objectionable).

mail, coat of, chièn-kah; thih-kah.

main, in the, tãi-lia̍k; tãi-khài; tãi-sì. mainland, tōa-tī. mainmast, tōa-ûi.

maintain, siú; tshûn; iáng; keng-kip nâng-chia̍h; chhī.

maize, i-bí-jîn; iùⁿ-múiⁿ-jîn.

majesty, his, uâng-siãng; hûang-siãng. your majesty, pĩ-ẽ. of appearance, ui-hong; ui-ngiâm; ui-hong lím-lím; ui-lêng hek-hek. put on majestic appearance, tsak-ui.

majority, tōa-pùaⁿ; che̍k-tōa-ûe.

make, tsò; tsak; tsãu; tsõ. one afraid, phièn-i-kiaⁿ; heh-i-kiaⁿ; hé-i-kiaⁿ. out a bill, khui-toaⁿ. of wood, tsang-tshâ tsò; ēng-tshâ tsò. a bed, siu-si̍p phou-kài; siu-si̍p mîn-tshn̂g. up a deficiency, póu-khueh. a loss, pûe. known, thong-tsai; pò-tsai. clothes, thīⁿ-saⁿ; tsò-saⁿ. up one's mind, li̍p-tsú-ì; li̍p-tiāⁿ tsú-ì. a bargain, kat-ieh; tiāⁿ-ieh. the mind easy, pàng-sim; uaⁿ-sim. verses, tsò-si. music, tsak-gau̍h. a row, kã-kã bó-jiáng; ki-kã-la-kiè. haste, méⁿ--chē.

Malacca, Mûaⁿ-la̍k-kah.

malady, see DISEASE.

malaria, suaⁿ-lâm chiàng-khì.

male, lâm; nâm; ta-pou; kóu (beasts); kak (birds); hiông (id.). and female, nâm-nńg; ta-pou tsṳ-niêⁿ. female & male, im-iâng; phín-móuⁿ (beasts); thsṳ̂-hiông (birds).

malediction, chiù-tsūa; chiù-mēⁿ.

malevolent, sim-kuaⁿ ak-ta̍k; sim-tn̂g ak-ta̍k; ta̍k-sim; ta̍k-tn̂g; ak-ta̍k; hiong-ak; hiau-ak.

malignant, lĩ-hāi. star, ak-chheⁿ-siù. and see MALEVOLENT.

malleable, iron, jiû-nńg-thih; nńg-thih; se̍k-thih.

mallet, tshâ-thûi.

mamma, one's, a-bó; bó-chhin; a-âi; a-neⁿ. in addressing, a-neⁿ; a-bó; a-niêⁿ. Chinese often call their parents uncle and aunt when speaking of them.

mammon, tshâi-sîn-iâ; chiáu-tshâi-iâ; tshâi-pe̍h.