Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/191

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merit, kong; kong-lâu; kong-tek. accumulate, chek-kong. meritorious, ũ-kong; siu-kong. and demerit, kong-kùe.

merry, huaⁿ-hí; ko-le; lo-li lo-le. merry-thought of a fowl, koi-heng-kut.

meshes, of net, mãng-ma̍k. wide and narrow, lang-ba̍t.

mess, together, tâng-húe-si̍t; tsò-pû-chia̍h. alone, ka-kī-chia̍h.

message, pò-sìn. messenger, chhe; só-sái kâi-nâng; sài-chiá; sài; tsáu-chhe; lâi-nâng; lâi-sài.

metals, ngóu-kim; kim, ngṳ̂n, tâng, thih, siah.

metamorphosis, pièn-hùe; tshoiⁿ-pièn būan-hùe.

metaphor, phì-zũ; pí-zũ; pí-zû.

metempsychosis, tńg-sì; tsúan-sì; tsúan-lûn; lûn-hûe.

meteor, chheⁿ-sîn kùe-tōu; chheⁿ tūi; liû-chheⁿ.

method, huang-huap; huap-tsat; huap-tōu. methodical, chip-huap. slave of method, chip-it (opp. of khûan-pièn or pièn-thong).

metropolis, kiaⁿ-siâⁿ; kiaⁿ-sṳ; kiaⁿ-tou.

mettlesome, as horse, kiau-kiau.

miasma, chiàng-khì; sip-khì; ùe-khì.

mica, tshoiⁿ-têng-chie̍h.

microscope, hién-mûiⁿ-kiàⁿ.

mid-day, tong-ngóu; ji̍t-tàu; tong-tàu.

middle, tong; tong-sim; tong-iang; tong-kan; tìn-tang; chiàⁿ-tong; chiàⁿ-tang. -aged, tong-nîⁿ. middling, tit-tong; tong-pān; tong-phêng; tong-téng; bô-thang-siãng; sì-put-siãng; thûn-thûn (size). midnight, pùaⁿ-mêⁿ; saⁿ-keⁿ pùaⁿ-mêⁿ; tong-mêⁿ; tong-siau. midway, pùaⁿ-thû; pùaⁿ-lōu. middle-man, tong-nâng; bûe-nâng (in arranging a marriage). midrib of leaf, hie̍h-kṳn. mid-summer day, hē-chì. mid-winter, tang-chì.

midwife, tsâi-bó; seⁿ-phûa; siu-seⁿ-phûa; seⁿ-kiáⁿ-bó; ún-phûa. book on midwifery, ta̍t-seⁿ-phien; pó-seⁿ-phien.

might, khuân; khûan-sì; khûan-la̍t; khûan-lêng.

migrate, chhien-kṳ; î-kṳ; î-súa; súa-ūi.

mild, un-hûa; un-jiû.

mildew, to, chhiẽⁿ-bûe; chhiẽⁿ-tiám; chhiẽⁿ-hue-tiám; chhiẽⁿ-poiⁿ; seⁿ-kou (mould). of plants, chhiẽⁿ-în.

mile, saⁿ-lí (approximately). three miles, che̍k-phòu.

military, bú. station, iâⁿ-pûaⁿ; sìn-tī; iâⁿ-sìn.