Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/195

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modern, kim; kim-sî. literature, sî-bûn.

modest, liâm-chhí; tsai-siu; hâm-siu.

modulation, of voice, tńg-im; tńg-siaⁿ; tńg-pán.

Mohammedanism, hue-hue-kà.

moist, sip; tâm; ĩm; lùn-lùn; zũn-sip. moisten, ùn-tsúi; iêⁿ (melt).

molasses, thn̂g-tsúi; nńg-thn̂g.

mole, tshân-tshṳ́. hill, tshṳ́-èng. hole, tshṳ́-khang. trap, tshṳ́-keng. cricket, thôu-káu.

mole, on the skin, ou-kì; âng-kì; àm-kì (on part covered by dress). hair of, kì-môⁿ. apply medicine to, tiám-kì.

molest, lâu; jiáu-to̍k; kiáu-jiáu; bûa-lūi.

moment, wait a, see MINUTE. momentary, ma̍k-nihⁿ.

momentous, tãng; chhiet-iàu; iàu-kín; kín-iàu.

monarch, uâng; kun-uâng; kok-kun; kok-uâng; huâng-tì.

monastery, am; lâm-am; hûe-siēⁿ-am; am-jī; am-īⁿ; am-tn̂g.

Monday, lói-pài-it; pài-it.

money, chîⁿ; chîⁿ-ngṳ̂n; chîⁿ-tshâi (wealth). bag, chîⁿ-tō; ngṳ̂n-tō. box, kap-būan (safe); chîⁿ-tâng; chîⁿ-kóng; chîⁿ-kūiⁿ; chîⁿ-kuh (earthenware). -changer, khui-chîⁿ-phòu; khui táu-toh-kūiⁿ. -lender, pàng-chè; pàng-chè kâi-nâng; pàng-lāi; pàng-tièⁿ; pàng-siàu; seⁿ-pàng; seⁿ-ngṳ̂n. lend on heavy interest, pàng-tãng-chè. moneyless, bô-chîⁿ. to pass bad money, sái pe̍h-tâng-ngṳ̂n.

Mongolia, Mông-kóu. monk (Buddhist), hûe-siēⁿ.

monkey, kâu. monkey-face, mīn kâu-kâu.

monopoly, pau-lám; kui-mn̂g seng-lí.

monster, chiaⁿ-kuài; iau-kuài. monstrous, koh-iēⁿ; khî-kuài; kuài-ak; chhiú-ak; lõu-ak; chhiú-lõu kuài-ĩ.

month, gu̍eh. one, che̍k-kâi-gu̍eh. the first, chiaⁿ-gu̍eh; chiaⁿ--gu̍eh. first day of, chhiu-it. intercalary, zūn-gu̍eh. monthly, múeⁿ-gue̍h.

monument, pi; pi-kì; kong-tek-pi; chie̍h-têng; têng-piáu. ancient, kóu-chiah.

moon, gu̍eh. full, gu̍eh-îⁿ. crescent, gu̍eh-keng; sin-gue̍h. half, gu̍eh-pùaⁿ; gu̍eh-pôiⁿ; gu̍eh pùaⁿ-îⁿ; pùaⁿ-pôiⁿ-gu̍eh. rising, gu̍eh chiẽⁿ. eclipse, gu̍eh si̍h. round