Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/202

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no, m̄-sĩ; bô; màiⁿ. matter, bô-lũn; bô-chhiet-iàu; bô-huâng. help for it, bô-nãiⁿ-hô; bô-pōu. nobody, bô-nâng. nothing to eat, bô-thang-chia̍h.

noble, tsun; kùi; tsun-kùi. family, tōa-ke. -man, ũ-chiak-ūi; tãi-láu. minded, kháng-khài.

nod, tak-thâu. sleeping, tak-sut-gu̍t.

noise, siaⁿ; hiáng; kiè. make a great, tshàu-nãuⁿ; hā-hā-kiè; kā-kā-kiè; kā-kā-jiáng.

noisome, õi-hāi-nâng; tshàu-hièn (smell).

nominal, merely, ũ-miâⁿ bô-si̍t; ũ-khî-miâⁿ bô-khî-si̍t. rank, khang-hâm (brevet rank).

none, bô; bô-che̍k-kâi; kâi-kâi-bô; tsǹg-kâi-bô.

nonsense, thèng-tàⁿ; bô-sueh; bô-chhêng bô-lí; hû-sueh.

noon, ji̍t tàu; ngõu-sî; tng-ngóu; chiàⁿ-ngóu.

noose, to make a, thám-seⁿ-khou.

north, pak. wind, pak-huang. star, pak-ke̍k (pak-táu is Ursa Major). N. E., tang-pak. of China, pak-thâu.

nose, phīⁿ. nostrils, phīⁿ-khang. bridge, phīⁿ-lêng-kut; phīⁿ-uaⁿ-kut. bleeding, lâu phīⁿ-khang-hueh. stuffed, phīⁿ sat. running, chhek-tsúi (coryza). nosegay, hue-kiû; che̍k-pé-hue.

notable, hui-siêⁿ; ũ-miâⁿ-siaⁿ; tshut-thoh ĩ-siêⁿ; thiau-so̍k; tshut-so̍k; tshut-chèng; tshut-lūi; théng-pua̍t.

notch, khih. in arrow, hâm; ngám.

note, written, kò-jī. musical, ngóu-im la̍k-lu̍t. commentary, tsù-kói. down, kì; kì-lo̍k. -book, kì-phõu; tshûn-phõu; tsài-phõu. money, chîⁿ-phiè; ngṳ̂n-toaⁿ.

notice, to, tsai-thóiⁿ; tsai-kuan; kak-tshat. when one is not noticing; unawares, put-kak. a public, kàu-pe̍h (advertisement); kò-sī (proclamation). notify, ta̍t-tsai; thong-tsai; pò-tsai.

notion, ì-kièn; î-sṳ̀; siẽⁿ-thâu.

notorious, chèng-nâng só-tsai--kâi; tshàu-miâⁿ.

nourish, iáng; iáng-io̍k; bú-iáng; chhī.

novel, a, siáu-sueh; gūa-tsṳ; kóu-tn̄g.

novice, chheⁿ-chhiú; o̍h-būe-se̍k. in religion, tsho-ji̍p-kà.

now, hīn-kim; chí-tsûn; chí-hûe; taⁿ; hīn-tsãi; tshṳ́-tsãi; hīn-sî; tshṳ́-sî; ngán-tsôiⁿ; ngán-kim.

nowhere, múaⁿ-kò-bô; sì-tshù tshūe-bô.

nowise, pẽng-bô; tshûan-bô; tuàn-bô.

noxious, ta̍k; ak; õi-hāi-nâng; lĩ-hāi.

nuisance, o-tso nah-sap-sièⁿ; tshàu-mu̍eh; jiáu-luãn; jiáu-tsak.