Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/208

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kaⁿ-phûe. jam, chhêng-ko. very small orange, kit; kit-kiáⁿ; tiâm-kit; sng-kit.

orb, of moon, gu̍eh-lûn; gu̍eh-îⁿ.

orchard, kúeⁿ-chí-hn̂g.

order, tsôiⁿ-ãu; thâu-búe; tshṳ̀-sũ; tshṳ̀-tõiⁿ; tsâng-tshṳ̀. put in, an-pâi; uaⁿ-pâi; pái-hó; uaⁿ-pái-hó; an-tùn-hó; chèng-tũn; chiáⁿ-tũn; chiáⁿ-lí; siu-si̍p; siu-chiáⁿ; sṳ̃-lí; siu-si̍p iap-thiap kui-ūi. in order, tsôi-chiáⁿ.

order, to, mẽng; lẽng; hun-hù; hàm; sái; kiè. an order for money, ngṳ̂n-toaⁿ.

ordure, pùn; sái.

organ, khîm; tōa-khîm.

origin, pńg; pńg-nguân; kṳn-pńg; ngûan-iû; ngûan-kù; ngûan-in. originally, pńg-lâi; ngûan-lâi; ngûan-sí; tsho-thâu. originate, tì-khí. with you, iû-lṳ́ tì-khí.

ornament, siu-sek; bûn-sek; tsuang-sek. ornamental, hó-thóiⁿ; hó-thóiⁿ-ngiá; múiⁿ-kuan; ngiá-kuan.

orphan, bô-pẽ-âi; kou-jî; kou-tsṳ́.

orthodox, chiàⁿ-kà.

oscillate, as pendulum, hit-lâi hit-khṳ̀.

ostentatious, hàuⁿ-thâng-huang; hàuⁿ-iâng-khì; hàuⁿ-sái phài-thâu; hàuⁿ-pái; hàuⁿ-tsuang-pái; tsuang-khiang; hàuⁿ-iê-pái (of one's walk).

ostrich, thô-chiáu.

other, pa̍t. others, pa̍t-nâng. any others? huân-ũ a-bô? the others, khî-ṳ̂; liáu--kâi. otherwise, pa̍t-iēⁿ; m̄-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ; iā-m̄-sĩ.

otter, thuah; hái-thuah; tsúi-thuah.

ought, eng-kai; tie̍h; eng-tng; pńg-téng tie̍h.

ounce, niéⁿ.

our, uán--kâi; nán--kâi. see WE.

out, gūa; tshut. go, tshut--khṳ̀. go outside, tshut-khṳ̀-kháu. of order, zṳ̂-zṳ̂; hũn-tsa̍p; hũn-luãn. outdo, iâⁿ. outside, gūa-mīn; gūa-kháu; gūa-thâu.

outrage, pũe-lí huãm-hūn; sún-hāi. outrageous, bô-huap-tōu; hùi-lí hūn-gūa.

oval, siẽn-chí-iēⁿ; tn̂g-siēn.

oven, húe-lôu; pek-lôu; pue-lôu.

over, kùe; gūa; tshut; ṳ̂; tshûn; tṳ̂. and above, lêng-gūa; huân-liáu. all over with mud, che̍k-sin-thôu. night, kùe-mêⁿ. ripe, khah-se̍k; khah-kùe-se̍k; khah-kùe-lâu. fall overboard, pua̍h-lo̍h-tsúi. overbearing, kiau-ngãu;