Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/225

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in, kìm-kam; siu-kam. get out of, tshut-kam. prisoner, kam-huãm; huãm-jîn; siu-kam. of war, pĩ-lû; pĩ-lia̍h.

private, sṳ; sai; sai-ẽ; sai-khia-ẽ. privately, àm-chẽⁿ; sai-ẽ; ba̍t-ba̍t; ṳ́n-ba̍t; ṳ́n-tshâng. private conversation, kau-thâu chiap-gṳ́.

privy, a, tang-si; chhè-kng; chhè-tî; kheⁿ-chhè; ha̍k; chhè-ha̍k. to empty out, phah-tshou; ié-pùn.

privy, council, lãi-koh ha̍k-sṳ̃.

prize, siéⁿ-mu̍eh. to, thóiⁿ-tõng; kùi-tõng.

probable, khó-sìn; poih-siâⁿ-chin; ũ-siẽⁿ-thâu. probably, iak-liãng; pa-lak (of something hoped for).

probe, a, ngṳ̂n-chim; ngṳ̂n-tsam; thàm-tsam; thàm-lâng-tsam. to, thàm.

proboscis, of elephant, chhiẽⁿ-phīⁿ.

proceed, to, chìn-tsôiⁿ; tsôiⁿ-chìn; khṳ̀. from, tshut; tshông-tshut. proceeding, kiâⁿ-sṳ̄. procession (idolatrous), iâⁿ-sîn sài-hũe.

proclaim, thûan; suang-thûan; pùa-iâng; kúang-pù; hiáu-zũ. proclamation, kò-sī. issue a, tshut-kò-sī. imperial, n̂g-tîn; n̂g-chiè; kiaⁿ-chiè; chiàu-bûn.

procrastinate, chhî-mān; tam-koh; thiû-thû; thû-mān.

procure, . tit-tie̍h. procuress, khan-thâu-phûa.

prodigal, in expenditure, hua-hùi; chhia-chhí; chhia-hua. a, chhia-îm. son, phùa-ke-kiáⁿ; lãng-tãng-tsṳ́.

prodigy, khî-ĩ kâi-sṳ̄; kuài-ĩ; khî-kuài; kuài-mue̍h.

produce, seⁿ; huat; tshut. productions, thóu-súaⁿ.

profane, siet-to̍k; khin-bũan sîn-mêng.

profess, mêng-jīn. to he anything, tsò-jīn.

profession, sṳ̄-ngia̍p. literary, ha̍k-ngia̍p. medical, ui-ngia̍p; ui-ke. professor, ha̍k-sṳ̃; phak-sṳ̃; miâⁿ-sṳ̃.

proffer, tsun-hõng.

profile, pùaⁿ-pôiⁿ-mīn; ngõu-hun-mīn; pùaⁿ-mīn-sièⁿ.

proficient, chìn-tsôiⁿ; se̍k; liēn-se̍k.

profit, lĩ; lĩ-sek; iah; lĩ-iah. obtain, tit-lĩ; thàn; ũ-thàn.

profligate, hùang-tãng; hùang-tsòng; bô-tsat-tōu.

profound, chhim; chhim-àu; àu-biāu; mûiⁿ-àu; chhim-mûiⁿ.

profuse, in expenditure, see prodigal. in promises, múaⁿ-tshùi ìn-sêng.

progenitor, soiⁿ-tsóu; tsóu-tsong; tsóu-kong.