Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/228

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pulverize, ngóiⁿ-bua̍h; lûi-iùⁿ.

pumelo, iū.

pumice, stone, phû-chie̍h; phàⁿ-chie̍h.

pumpkin, kue; pû.

pump, tsúi-thiu; tsúi-kiuh; tsúi-thiu-tâng. to pump water, thiu-tsúi.

punch, a, for dollars, ngṳ̂n-tsãm. to, tèng-hō.

punctual, èng-khî; i-khî; zû-khî; chiè-khî; tùi-khî; put-sit-khî.

pungent, hiam; lua̍h; hiam-lua̍h.

punish, hua̍t; hêng-hua̍t; phōiⁿ-tsũe. severely, ngiâm-hêng; tãng-hêng. capital punishment, sí-miāⁿ; tsám-thâu. by strangling, ká-sí. cutting to pieces, lêng-chhî; tshùi-si. with heavy bamboo, phah-tōa-póiⁿ. with light one, phah-póiⁿ-kiáⁿ; phah-kha-tshng. by slapping on the mouth, siak-tshùi-phói.

punkah, huang-sìⁿ. to pull, túi-huang.

pupil, of the eye, thông-jîn; sien-nâng.

pupil, or scholar, ha̍k-seng; mn̂g-seng; tĩ-tsṳ́.

purchase, bói; hak; kiẽn-tì.

pure, chheng; chheng-khih; chheng-kiet; chheng-chẽng; kiet-chẽng. silver, tsok-siâⁿ; chẽng-tsok; ngṳ̂n-tī kûiⁿ.

purgative, sià-ie̍h; sià-tóu ie̍h; liâng-sià-ie̍h; thong-tãi-piên-ie̍h.

purloin, thau-khie̍h.

purple, phû-thô-chheⁿ; thien-chheⁿ.

purpose, tsú-ì; ì-sṳ̀. purposely, ũ-ì; tshut-tõ ũ-ì; kù-ì; tsuan-tsuan; te̍k-te̍k.

purse, ngṳ̂n-tō; hô-pau; ie-tõu.

pursue, tui; jiāu; kúaⁿ; tui-kúaⁿ; tui-jiāu.

pus, lâng. secreting pus, pũ-lâng; kâm-lâng.

push, léng. away, léng-khui. over, léng-tó; léng-pua̍h. in a crowd, sie-chìⁿ; iòng-chìⁿ. a boat in the mud, sat-tsûn; oi-tsûn.

pustule, sié-tshng.

put, pàng; hẽ; an-tì; an-tùn. away, pàng-khui. away a servant, sî. by khǹg; khǹg-búa. in mind, thî-chhéⁿ; that-chhéⁿ; sái i kì-tit. in order, pái-hó; siu-si̍p-hó; phou-tì-hó; an-pâi; siu-si̍p kui-ūi; siu-si̍p tsôi-chiáⁿ. into, tshō--lo̍h-khṳ̀; ji̍p. on clothes, chhēng-saⁿ. on a cap, tì-bō. off clothes and cap, thǹg-saⁿ pak-bō. out a fire, phah-kùe-húe; ìm--khí húe. out a lamp,