Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/23

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anon, chiet-khek; lîn-sî; liên-sî; sûi-sî; sûi-chiet; chí-tsûn.

anonymous, placards, bô-thâu-thiap; bô-miâⁿ-thiap.

another, pa̍t-kâi. matter, pa̍t-sṳ̄. man, pa̍t-nâng. one more, ke--kâi.

answer, ìn; tap; ìn-tap; tùi-tap. written, hûe-jī, hûe-sìn; ho̍k-jī.

ant, hiã; káu-hiã. white, pe̍h-hiã. nest, hiã-siū; hiã-tàu; hiã-hua̍t; hiã-khang. hill, hiã-èng. covered way of white ants, hiã-lōu.

antagonist, tùi-thâu; uan-ke; chhiû-ke; te̍k-chhiú; tùi-te̍k.

anterior, tshông-tsôiⁿ; tsṳ̃-soiⁿ; tsṳ̃-tsá.

anticipate, ṳ̃-pĩ; soiⁿ-pān; soiⁿ-liāu; ṳ̃-liāu; ṳ̃-pān.

antidote, kói-ta̍k; siau-ta̍k; hùe-ta̍k.

antipathy, lóu-hṳ̃n; uàn-hṳ̃n; chhim-ù; ke̍k-ù; ke̍k-hṳ̃n.

antique, curiosities, kóu-tóng; kóu-nguán. antiquity, kóu-tsá; kóu-sî. in remote, siãng-kóu tiâng-sî.

antithesis, tùi-kù; si-tùi; tùi-liên (antithetic scrolls).

anvil, thih-tiam.

anus, pùn-mn̂g-kháu.

anxiety, khùa-lṳ̃; huân-ló; khùa-sim; iu-ut; ut-būn.

any, one, put-lũn tî-tiâng; huâm-sĩ-mih-nâng. where, put-lũn hô-tshù; put-lũn tî-kò. is there any more? huân-ũ a-bô? is there anybody in? ũ-nâng-tõ--bô? anyhow, sûi-piẽn; sûi-sûi piẽn-piẽn.

apart, keh-pie̍t; kak-pie̍t; lî-khui. how far? siang-lî jie̍h-hñg?

apartment, pâng; pâng-koiⁿ. female, chhim-kui; kui-pâng; chhim-kui tièⁿ-lãi.

apathy, bô-sim; néⁿ-ì; néⁿ-tãⁿ; tãⁿ-tãⁿ.

ape, kâu.

aperture, khang; phāng.

apex, téng.

apology, jīn-kùe; jīn-tsũe; khiû-sù; khiû-khuan.

apostasy, puãn-tãu; pũe-kà.

apothecary, ie̍h-tshâi-kheh; khui ie̍h-tshâi-phòu; ie̍h-phòu tshâi-tsú.

apparel, i-ho̍k; ho̍k-sek; sin-chhēng; saⁿ-khòu; kûn-saⁿ.

appear, huat-hīn; tshut-hīn; lòu-tshut; hién-lòu; tù-hīn; lòu-hīn; hién-hīn; hién-mêng. appearance, hêng-iông; mīn-mãuⁿ; gūa-mãuⁿ; hêng-tsuãng; tsuãng-mãuⁿ.