Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/238

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reprieve, see RESPITE.

reprimand, kéng-cheh; cheh-pĩ; hiâm; cheh-hiâm.

reprint, tsài-ìn; huan-khek (cutting new blocks).

reproach, hiâm; mēⁿ.

reprove, cheh; cheh-pĩ; hiâm; cheh-hiâm; tok-cheh.

reptiles, thâng-lūi; pê-thâng.

repudiate, khì-tiāu; m̃-jīn. a wife, tshut-chhi; kè-bóu.

repugnant, m̄-tèng-ì; m̄-ha̍h-ì; siang-huán; nge̍k.

repulse, phah-pāi; khu-to̍k.

reputable, sin-ke chheng-pe̍h; ũ-thí-mīn; hó-miâⁿ-sek.

reputation, thí-mīn; hó-miâⁿ-siaⁿ; miâⁿ-sek. I have heard your reputation, bûn-miâⁿ (polite speech). to lose, peh-phùa lién-mīn; sit-lién; tiu-lién. to injure other people's, pāi nâng miâⁿ-siaⁿ; sit nâng kâi-lién. to be careful of one's own, kù-lién; kù-liâm-chhí. to be careless of, bô-kù-lién; bó-kù liâm-chhí.

request, chhiáⁿ; khiû; khṳ́n; pài-thoh.

require, ēng; su-ēng; ēng--tie̍h; tie̍h-ũ; tie̍h-àiⁿ; bõi-tit-mién. do not, mín-ēng; khó-íⁿ-mín; ēng-m̄-tie̍h; m̄-ēng--tie̍h.

requisite, kín-iàu; chhiet-iàu; iàu-kín; chì-iàu.

requite, pò; pò-tap.

rescript, imperial, gṳ̄-phoi.

rescue, kiù; chín-kiù; kiù-miāⁿ; kiù-sèⁿ-miāⁿ; kiù-iẽn. call for, hàm-kiù; hàm-kiè-kiù.

research, chhê; siau-tshūe; chhê-mn̄g.

resemble, chhin-chhiẽⁿ; huáng-sṳ̃; siãu; siang-tâng.

resent, uàn. resentment, uàn-hṳ̃n.

reserve, tshûn; lâu; sīn. reserved in manner, tîm-ngîm; bô-mih tàⁿ-ūe; pùaⁿ-thun pùaⁿ-thòu.

reside, khiã-khí; kṳ-tsũ; tiū. for a short time, kià-kṳ; kià-tsok. residence, tshù; khiã-ke.

resign, sî; hiah; sî-kuaⁿ; sià-cheh; kàu-láu (on account of old age); ji̍p-pín khṳ̀-sî.

resignation, tiâm-thun khóu-lún. to the will of God, uaⁿ-siũ Siãng-tì kâi-chí-ì; kam-sim jím-nãiⁿ.

resin, sêng-hieⁿ.

resist, tùi-te̍k; khàng-kṳ̃; gṳ̃-te̍k; kṳ̃-te̍k; tói-te̍k.

resolute, ũ-chì; káⁿ-káⁿ; kuat-tuàn; kuat-ì; li̍p-sim; che̍k-kuat. resolution, tsú-ì; sim-chì; kuat-ì; ngí-tiāⁿ.

resolve, li̍p-ì; li̍p-sim; tiāⁿ-tsú-ì; li̍p-tiāⁿ tsú-ì; tiāⁿ-tie̍h-àiⁿ; kuat-ì-àiⁿ. an unalterable, che̍k-tiāⁿ put-e̍k.