Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/250

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search, tshūe; chhîm-tshūe; chhîm; siau-chhê; siau; chhê. books, chhê-chheh; chhê-kiù. a house, siau-ke; siau-tshù. in vain, chhê-m̄-tshut; tshūe-m̄-tie̍h. one's pockets, chiâm-tshūe; tō-tói siau-tshūe.

season, thiⁿ-sî. the four seasons, sì-sî; sì-khùi. the warm, zua̍h-thiⁿ-sî. in, ha̍h-sî; sũn-sî. for a, chiãm-sî. seasonable showers, sî-hõu; kam-hõu. seasonably, tùi-sî.

season, to, food, thiâu-bī; tshài-kah.

seat, ūi; tsõ-ūi. my, uá kâi ūi-tshṳ̀. the chief, tōa-ūi. please take a, chhiáⁿ-tsõ.

secluded, mi̍t-chiah; ṳ́n-kṳ; tiàm-miⁿ.

second, jī; tõiⁿ-jī. quality, tõiⁿ-jī-hō; tshṳ̀-téng; tong-téng. crop, mńg-kùe; mńg-tang.

secret, pì; pì-ba̍t; ṳ́n-pì; ṳ́n-ba̍t; pì-mi̍t; pì-tshâng; ṳ́n-tshâng; ki-mi̍t. let out a, phùa-tiãⁿ. as of trade, pì-kuat; pì-huap. prescription, pì-hng. handed down from ancestors, pì-thûan; pì-siũ. chamber, ba̍t-pâng. secretly, àm-chẽⁿ; sai-ẽ; sia-khia-ẽ; thau. run away secretly, thau-tsáu.

secretary, in yamen, sṳ-iâ.

secrete, ṳ́n-tshâng; ṳ́n-ba̍t; ṳ́n-ne̍k; khǹg-bûa; tshâng-ne̍k; tshâng-khǹg.

secretion, from eyes, ma̍k-sái. from nose, phīⁿ-sái.

section, of book, che̍k-chieⁿ; che̍k-tn̄g. of bamboo, tek-tsat. of orange, kaⁿ-phièn; kaⁿ-liàm.

secure, ún-tǹg; uaⁿ-ún; thêng-tǹg; thó-tàng; tsú-kù; kien-kù. to be security, pó; pó-niáⁿ; tam-sêng.

sedan, kiē. a, che̍k-téng-kiē. bridal, hue-kiē. poles, kiē-ko; kiē-kǹg. to carry, kng-kiē. to call, hàm-kiē; kiè-kiē; kòu-kiē. to sit in, tsõ-kiē.

sedate, tsang-kèng; ngiâm-chiàⁿ; ngiâm-khì chiàⁿ-sèⁿ; ui-ngiâm; sim chẽⁿ.

sediment, tái; phoh (refuse). of medicine, ie̍h-tái.

seditious, ngóu-nge̍k; pũan-nge̍k.

seduce, iú-ho̍k; ín-iú; mîⁿ-ho̍k; kóu-ho̍k; thiâu-hì.

sedulous, ēng-kang; khṳ̂n; khṳ̂n-kang; siêⁿ-sim.

see, to, thóiⁿ; kièn; kìⁿ; thóiⁿ-kìⁿ. not to, thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ. through, thóiⁿ-phùa; thóiⁿ-kàu-thàu; thóiⁿ-thàng. go to see one, khṳ̀-kìⁿ; khṳ̀ kāng-nâng sie-kìⁿ; khṳ̀ kāng-nâng hũe--che̍k-mīn. one's reflection, as in mirror, chiè-kìⁿ nâng-mīn. seeing that, kì-jiên; kì-sĩ.