Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/282

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thaw, sng-soh siau-iêⁿ.

theatre, hì. stage of, hì-thâi; hì-pêⁿ. to go to the, thóiⁿ-hì. theatricals, tsò-hì.

theft, thau-khie̍h-mue̍h; thau-tãu; tãu-chhiap; thau-chhiap.

theme, tôi-ma̍k. to give out a, tshut-tôi; tshut-tôi-thâu. then jiên-ãu; ãu; chiũ; chiàⁿ. at that time, tng-sî; hṳ́-tsûn; hṳ́-sî; hṳ́-hûe; hṳ́-tsûn-mue̍h.

thence, tshông-hṳ́-kò; iû-hṳ́-kò.

there, tõ-hṳ́-kò; tõ-hṳ́ kha--thâu; tõ-hièⁿ-thâu; tõ-hṳ́-pôiⁿ. there are, ũ. there are not, bô; m̄-chêng-ũ. thereabouts, tõ-hṳ́ tsôiⁿ-ãu; tõ-hṳ́ lîn-kṳ̃n; tõ-hṳ́ tsó-iũ; tsha-m̄-to; tsua̍h-m̄-ũa.

therefore, só-íⁿ; kù-tshṳ́; in-tshṳ́; in-tì; uân-tì.

thermometer, hân-sú-tsam.

these, chí-kâi; chí-tsùaⁿ-kâi; chí-chiàⁿ-kâi; chí-che̍k-khài.

they, i; in; hṳ́-chiàⁿ kâi-nâng.

thick, kãu; ba̍t; kṳ̍t (consistency).

thicket, chhì-phè; chhì-nâⁿ-phè; chhiū-nâⁿ.

thief, tsha̍t; tsha̍t-bé. thievish, tshṳ́-tsha̍t; tsa̍t-kiáⁿ. see THEFT.

thigh, tōa-thúi; thúi-thâu. bone, thúi-thâu-kut.

thimble, pòu-tsóiⁿ; phûe-tsóiⁿ; tâng-tsóiⁿ.

thin, po̍h; so; so-po̍h; chhieh; kà; hi; lang; sán. congee, chhieh-mûeⁿ; kà-mûeⁿ.

thing, mue̍h; mue̍h-kiãⁿ. no such thing, bô-chí-kâi chhêng-lí. how many things? jie̍h-tsōi kiãⁿ-mue̍h?

think, siẽⁿ; liãm; sṳ-siẽⁿ; sṳ-liãm; phah-sǹg; pheⁿ-phah. of one, kì-liãm. I rather think so, káⁿ-sĩ; iau-káⁿ-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ; káⁿ-ũ. highly of one, thóiⁿ-tõng; kùi-tõng. not worth thinking of, mín-khùa-sim. I thought (erroneously), uá kâu-kiè; khue-tiāⁿ; sah-tsò.

third, tõiⁿ-saⁿ.

thirsty, âu ta. to assuagethirst, chí-khuah; kói-khuah; chí-âu; zũn-âu.

this, chí; chí-kâi; tshṳ́; chiá-kâi. year, kin-nîⁿ; kim-nîⁿ; hīn-nîⁿ; pńg-nîⁿ; chí-nîⁿ. morning, kim-tsá; mn̂g-khí; mn̂g-khí-tsá. day, kim-ji̍t; kiáⁿ-ji̍t; hīn-ji̍t; pńg-ji̍t.

thong, phûe-tòa.

thorax, heng-tsôiⁿ; sim-kuaⁿ; sim-kuaⁿ-thâu; heng-kuaⁿ-thâu.