Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/284

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tiāu; sek-tiāu; hám-tiāu; khì-tiāu; tiu-tiāu; lòi-tiāu; phau-tiāu. into the water, tâu-tsúi; ka̍k-lo̍h-tsúi. off clothes, thǹg-tiāu; pak-tiāu. one down, léng-pua̍h; léng-nâng tie̍h-pua̍h. the blame on others, keng tõ-pa̍t-nâng--sin-téng. about, iā-sì-tshù; phuah-múaⁿ-kò. dust on head, tsang-sua tha̍h thâu-khak; ēng-sua thãⁿ-tõ thâu-khak. throw up things, as bricks, tiāu-chiẽⁿ; tiāu-kûiⁿ. to throw a net, pha-mãng.

thrust, into, tshǹg; tshah; chhiah; kṳ̂. thrust through with a spear, ēng-chhieⁿ tshǹg-thàng--kùe-khṳ̀.

thumb, chhiú-tsóiⁿ-thâu; tsóiⁿ-thâu-kong; tsńg-thâu-kong; tōa-tsóiⁿ. thumb-ring, pan-chí.

thump, tshùaⁿ; tûi; tèng.

thunder, lûi; lûi tân; lûi hiáng; thiⁿ-lûi; lûi tân li̍h-leh-kiè; lûi phah-kiã-leh; lûi-siaⁿ phek-le̍k. and lightning, lûi tân, thiⁿ sih; lûi-tiẽn tãi-tsak. great thunder-storm, khí-ngóu-lûi. the thunder-god, or thunder as a destroying agency, lûi-kong. killed in thunder-storm, lûi khà-sí; lûi khà, húe sie. thunder-bolt, lûi-kong-tsãm.

Thursday, lói-pài-sì; pài-sì.

thus, chièⁿ-seⁿ; àn-chièⁿ-seⁿ; àn-chièⁿ.

thwart, nge̍k nâng-kâi-ì; nûaⁿ-tsó; tsó-chí.

tibia, kha-tâng-kut; kha-liâm-kut.

ticket, pawn, hui; hui-kiáⁿ; tǹg-phiè; tǹg-hui. passenger's, tsûn-hui; tsûn-toaⁿ; tsûn-phiè.

tickle, niauⁿ; niauⁿ-chiẽⁿ; niauⁿ koh-tang-ẽ (one's side); niauⁿ-kha-tói (the soles of one's feet).

tide, tiê-tsúi; lâu-tsúi. full, lâu-tsúi tĩⁿ; lâu-tsúi pá. flood, nâm-lâu; ji̍p-lâu. ebb, khó-lâu; pak-lâu. spring-, tōa-lâu-tsúi. neap-, sié-lâu-tsúi. turning, lâu tńg. go with the, kúaⁿ-lâu-tsúi. favourable, sũn-lâu; kúaⁿ-lâu; ha̍h-lâu. adverse, nge̍k-lâu; thêⁿ-lâu. sail against, tu-lâu.

tidings, sie-sit; sin-bũn; sìn-sek; sie-sek.

tie, pa̍k; kat; khún; sǹg; khún-pa̍k. a knot, thám-khat; kat-khat. a hard knot, thám-sí-kat; kat-sí-khat. a loop knot, thám-ua̍h-khat. very hard and fast, sǹg-kín. more loosely, pa̍k-khùaⁿ; tháu-lēng. together, pa̍k tsò-che̍k-ē.

tier, one, che̍k-tsâng. in tiers, che̍k-tsâng che̍k-tsâng.

tiger, hóuⁿ; lãu-hóuⁿ; niãuⁿ-hóuⁿ.

tiffin, tiám-sim; chia̍h-ji̍t-tàu.