Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/312

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chèng-kìⁿ; chhin-ma̍k thóiⁿ--kìⁿ. to bear, tsò-kan-chèng; tsò-chèng-kìⁿ. false, buáng-chèng. to suborn false witnesses, bói-chèng.

wizard, tâng-ki; tâng-sin; tsò-bû-su̍t; tsò-kuat-su̍t; tsò-huap-su̍t.

woe, tsai-hũa; hũa-tsai; khiông-khóu; hũa-huãm.

wolf, tshâi-lâng.

woman, tsṳ-niêⁿ; nńg; hũ-jîn; hũ-jîn-nâng; a-má-nâng. [tsa-bóu not used in Hoo city, and vulgar.] an old woman, lãu-tsṳ-niêⁿ; lãu-ḿ; lãu-sím-pô. woman's work, nńg-kang; tsṳ-niêⁿ-kang; hũ-kang.

womb, tho.

wonder, to, khî-ĩ; kuài-ĩ; thóiⁿ-khî. wonderful, khî-ĩ; khî-kuài; kuài-ĩ; tshut-khî; koh-iēⁿ; ĩ-sṳ̄; khî-sṳ̄; chin-khî-sṳ̄; kuài-sṳ̄.

wonted, kùiⁿ-sìⁿ; phêng-siêⁿ; siêⁿ-sṳ̄; siêⁿ-so̍k.

wood, ba̍k; tshâ; sam; chhiū-ba̍k. building materials of, tshâ-sāi; sam-sāi. a wood, chhiū-nâⁿ; chhiū-lîm. wood-yard, sam-chhiáng; sam-phòu; sam-hâng.

woof, hūi. warp and, keⁿ-hūi.

wool, iêⁿ-môⁿ. woollen cloth, nîⁿ.

word, ūe; ngân; gṳ́. written, jī. to speak words, tàⁿ-ūe. I wish to asy a word to you, uà àiⁿ kāng-lṳ́-tàⁿ che̍k-kù-ūe. to keep one's, chiè i-kâi-ūe khṳ̀-kiâⁿ. to break one's, sit-sìn; sit-ieh; chia̍h-ngân. words and actions, ngân-hẽng. in a single word, tsóng--tsṳ. to speak a good word for one, kṳ́-chìn che̍k-kù. the Word of God, Siãng-tì kâi-tãu; Siàⁿ-tsṳ; Siàⁿ-kiaⁿ.

work, kang; kang-hu; khang-khùe. to work, tsò-kang. at work, ēng-kang. contract for, mãuⁿ-kang. needle-work, tsam-kang. to work clay, chhip-thôu. a scull, iẽ-lóu. to work by the day, lũn-ji̍t tsò-kang. workman, sai-pẽ; kang-jîn. workmanship, kang-hu. fine, cheng-kong; cheng-khá; iùⁿ-kang.

world, sì; sì-kài; sì-kan; âng-tîn; tîn-sì (this dusty weary world); thiⁿ-ẽ. all the, phóu-thiⁿ-ẽ; phóu-thiⁿ-kha-ẽ; thong-thiⁿ-kha-ẽ; buān-kok. this, tshṳ́-sì; kim-sì; iâng--kan; iâng-sì. the next, lâi-seⁿ; lâi-sì; ãu-sì (all mean one's next appearance in this world); im--kan; àm--thâu. ignorant of the, m̄-hiáu sì-bũ. this changing world, iâm-liâng sì-kài. since the world began, khai-phek íⁿ-lâi; khai-tshàng íⁿ-lâi. worldly affairs, sì-bũ; sì-chhêng.