Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/57

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kàng; ũ-tshâi-chhêng; ũ-tshâi-lêng; mién-chia̍p; lêng-tõng; ũ-pún-sṳ̄; ũ-tì-sek; ũ-ki-tì; ua̍h-phuah.

clew, of thread, che̍k-kiû-sùaⁿ. to wind into a, în tsò-che̍k-kiû. see clue.

click, with the tongue, tok--chē-kiè.

client, sṳ̄-tsú.

cliff, kiã-piah; suaⁿ-kiã; suaⁿ-ngâm.

climate, tsúi-thóu; tī-khì. could not bear the climate, chia̍h-m̄-tie̍h tsúi-thóu.

climb, peh-chiẽⁿ. over a wall, pûaⁿ-chhiêⁿ.

clinch, or clench, the fist, lĩm-khûn-thâu-bó. a nail, teng-búe tò-tah; tûi-kâi-lo̍ih tò-ngám-tńg.

cling, phõ-kín; lám-kín; khîⁿ; khîⁿ-kín. to one's opinion, chip-ì.

clip, ka; ka-tó; chién-tó. clippings, pòu-tshùi.

cloak, tōa-phâu; muaⁿ.

clock, sî-cheng; sî-sîn-cheng. what o' clock? kúi-tiám-cheng? 9 o'clock, káu-tiám-cheng. striking, cheng hiáng.

clogged, sat-miⁿ; m̄-thong.

clogs, wooden shoes, tshâ-ôi; kia̍h.

cloister, am; Hu̍t-am; hûe-siēⁿ-am.

close, letter, huang; huang-sìn. door, kueⁿ-mn̂g. without fastening, hõiⁿ-mn̂g. the eyes, ma̍k-chiu ha̍p-miⁿ; ma̍k-chiu tièⁿ-miⁿ. the market, siu-tiêⁿ. all shops in protest against injustice, pã-chhĩ. close or end, tsong; uân; hiah. close-fisted, khiãm-siap; kien-liẽn. weather, hip-zua̍h. texture, ba̍t-ba̍t; ba̍t-tsa̍t. application, tsuan-sim; ēng-kang; khṳ̂n. close to, siang-kṳ̃n. follow closely, tùe-kín; sûi-tie̍h-kha.

closet, ba̍t-pâng; pâng-koiⁿ; pâng-kiáⁿ; sòi-koiⁿ-pâng.

clot, hueh kit-kàu-tu; hueh hṳ̂n; hueh-kò. internal, kat-hueh; sí-hueh.

clothe, pòu. native cotton cloth, ka-pùa-pòu. grass-cloth, tiũ-pòu. oil-cloth, iû-pòu. weave, keⁿ-pòu. woollen, nîⁿ. black broad-cloth, ou-nîⁿ. buy, ka-pòu.

clothes, saⁿ-khòu; i-ho̍k; i-siâng; kûn-saⁿ; ho̍k-sek. put on, chhēng-saⁿ-khòu.

cloud, hûn. cloudy, chhiẽⁿ-hûn; hip-hûn; khàm-hûn. cloudy weather, thiⁿ-sî ou-àm. cloudless, thiⁿ chêⁿ; liâu-liãng.

cloves, teng-hieⁿ.

clown, hieⁿ-ẽ-nâng. in a play, tsò-thiú; thiú-kieh. clown-