Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/67

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content, sim múaⁿ, ì tsok; tsai-tsok; kùe-ì; uaⁿ-hūn. contents of book, ma̍k-lo̍k; tôi-thâu.

conterminous, sie-kau-kài; sie-kiam-kài; lîn-kṳ̃n (near); chiap-kài; tsò-pû; liên-chiap; siang-liên.

contest, sie-thâi; ke-húe sie-chih; siang-sài-mue̍h (competition); sie-tàu; cheⁿ-iâⁿ.

contiguity, siang-kṳ̃n; lîn-kṳ̃n; siang-liên; tsôiⁿ-ãu.

continence, siú-tsat; kúaⁿ-io̍k.

contingency, ngóu-jiên; siẽⁿ-m̄-kàu; liāu-m̄-kàu.

continue, chhiàng-tsò; chhiâng-kiâⁿ; siêⁿ-tõ; sî-sî-ũ; siêⁿ-tshûn; hûan-tõ; nãiⁿ-kú. continual, see constant. continuous, chih; chiap; liên-lo̍k; chiap-so̍k; siang-liên; bô-hiah; bô-tñg; bô-kòiⁿ; bô-làng.

contortion, tsũn-tshúa; tsũn-tn̍g; tsũn--kùe--lâi. of face, tshúa-mīn.

contour, hêng-sièⁿ; iēⁿ; hêng. of distant hills, hñg-kéng.

contraband, trade, tsáu-hiàng; tsáu-sai; lāu-sùe.

contract, to bargain, li̍p-ieh; tiāⁿ-ieh. a, ieh-jī; khòi; ha̍p-tâng; ieh-toaⁿ. take work by, mãuⁿ-kang. to draw in, kiu; kiu-bûa; sok-bûa; kha-chhiú kiu-sok. contracted writing, sié-siá.

contradict, piẽn-poh; poh-mn̄g. oneself, tsôiⁿ-ãu kâi-ūe m̄-siang-hû. contradictory, m̄-tùi; m̄-sie-tùi; m̄-siang-hû; m̄-siang-ha̍h; siang-huán.

contrary, siang-huán; tò-huán; nge̍k; m̄-ha̍h. on the, tin-tò; huán-tn̍g. to sound doctrine, pũe-tãu. wind, nge̍k-huang.

contrast, sie-tùi; siang-pí; tùi-chhiēⁿ; huán-chhiēⁿ; huán-chiè.

contribute, tôi; tôi-chîⁿ; kien-tôi; phài-chîⁿ; kien-chîⁿ. to levy a contribution, phài-chîⁿ.

contrite, thiàⁿ-kói; thiàⁿ-kói tsôiⁿ-hui; kói-hùe; hùe-kói; tsṳ̃-hṳ̃n; thiàⁿ-hṳ̃n tsôiⁿ-hui.

contrive, siet-kòi; siet-huap; siẽⁿ-sim-sṳ̄; siẽⁿ-tshut kòi-chheh. contrivance, kòi-chheh; kòi-mông; ie̍h-kúi (mechanical).

control, kuán; thóng-huán; kuán-hat; khu-sok; iak-sok. self, siú-pn̍g-sim; tsṳ̃-kuán ka-kī.

controversy, piẽn-lũn; piẽn-poh; cheⁿ-lũn; sie-à.

contumacy, ngóu-nge̍k; m̄-sũn nâng-chhêng.

contumely, lêng-zo̍k; sit-zo̍k; ki-tshn̍g.

contusion, phah-sieⁿ; tsuãng-sieⁿ; ou-chheⁿ kek-hueh.