Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/87

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dimity, siâ-bûn-pòu.

dimple, in chin, ẽ-hâi-tsuh. in cheeks, chiú-tsuh.

din, of gongs and drums, kong-kuang-kiè; kong-kong-kiè.

dine, chia̍h-tōa-tn̍g; chia̍h mêⁿ-àm-pn̄g. at noon, chia̍h-ji̍t-tàu.

dip, into water, ùn-tsúi; ùn-tâm. hot iron in water, chhih-tsúi. dip up water, ēng-pû-hia lâi-ié-tsúi (with ladle); ēng pua̍h-tháng lâi kũaⁿ-tsúi (from well); ēng tiàu-o lâi-tiàu-tsúi (with bucket & well-sweep); ēng hòu-táu lâi-hòu-tsúi (with ladle having long handle). a dipper, tsúi-kóng.

diploma, bûn-phêng; bûn-pêng.

direct, ti̍t; ti̍t-ti̍t. direct route, ti̍t-lōu. directly, khùn-kiáⁿ; sûi-sî; sûi-chiet. I will come directly after you, úa sûi-ãu chiũ-lâi. to direct, chí-ín. order, hun-hù; mẽng. control, kúan-lí; kúan. a letter, siá-huang-phûe. directions, mẽng-lẽng; kui-tiâu.

dirt, nah-sap; lâm-sap. dirty, nah-sap; nah-sap-sièⁿ; o-tso; u-ùe; m̄-chheng-khih; m̄-chheng-kiet; o-lâm o-lī. to dirty, mak--tie̍h nah-sap; hú--tie̍h nah-sap.

disabled, hùi-chi̍t; phùa-sièⁿ; hùi-jîn.

disadvantage, si̍h-pńg; m̄-piẽn; m̄-sũn; bô-iah; siũ-khui.

disagree, m̄-hûa; m̄-ha̍h; m̄-siang-ha̍h; m̄-tùi. the climate disagrees with me, m̄-ho̍k tsúi-thóu; chia̍h-m̄-tie̍h tsúi-thóu. disafreeable, bô-mih tshù-bī; tshūa-nâng-lóu; kou-ta̍k (unsociable); kãu-ue̍h (sensation).

disappear, m̄-kìⁿ; sit-lo̍h; bô--khṳ̀.

disappoint, sit-ieh; sit-sìn; gōu--tie̍h nâng-só-mōⁿ; siang-gōu; tam-gōu nâng-kâi-sṳ̄. disappointed, sit-mōⁿ; sit-ì.

disapprove, m̄-huaⁿ-hí; m̄-ha̍h-ì; m̄-tsún.

disarranged, zṳ̂-zṳ̂; zṳ̂-tsháng; hũn-tsa̍p; hng-heh; hng-hng heh-heh.

disaster, hiong-sṳ̄; tsai-iang; hũa; tsai-hũa; hũa-tsai; bô-tsãu-hùe.

disavow, m̄-jīn.

disband, sùaⁿ-piaⁿ; thiah-piaⁿ.

disbelieve, m̄-sìn; m̄-sièn; m̄-siang-sìn; gî.

disburse, tshut-chîⁿ.

discard, m̃-ēng; pàng-tiāu; sî-tiāu; sî-tù.

discern, thóiⁿ-tshut; thóiⁿ-tit-tshut. discernment, tì-hũi; tì-sek; kièn-sek; tshong-mêng. quick, ũ-mién-tshâi.