Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/97

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dry, ta. in the sun, pha̍k-ta. in the air or wind, lā-ta; khau-ta; tshue-ta. at the fire, pūe-ta. season, as wood, khùa-ta. wipe dry, chhit-ta.

dubious, khó-gî; hó-gî; bô-tiāⁿ-tie̍h.

duck, ah; ah-bó. wild, tsúi-ah. dried, ah-póu. duckweed, phiê.

duct, lachrymal, ma̍k-khang; ma̍k-tsap-khang.

ductile, zūn; hó-túi-tn̂g--kâi.

dudgeon, mīn pìⁿ-pìⁿ; pìⁿ-mīn; seⁿ-khì.

due, khiàm; pńg-téng; eng-kai. what is due anyone, só eng-kai-hôiⁿ--i; só-tng-hôiⁿ--i; só-khiàm--i. arrived in due time, khṳ̀-kàu hù-hù; lâi-kàu bõi-khah-mān; tùi-sî-hāu; hù-sî-hāu. pay customs dues, la̍p-hiàng.

dull, tun. stupid, lú-tũn; che̍k-tóu ṳ̀-sat; ṳ̀-sat put-thong. colour, chhién-sek; tîm-sek. fire, húe bô-hièⁿ-jie̍t; húe khah-nńg. day, ou-im. of hearing, hĩⁿ lâng. of vision, ma̍k-chiu bū; ma̍k hue.

dumb, é; é-kháu; bõi-tàⁿ-ūe.

dumpish, ut-tsu̍t; iu-ut; sim-thâu thiàⁿ.

dumpling (native), lo̍h-thng-chî; mûaⁿ-chî.

dun, tshui; tshui-pek; thó-chîⁿ kín-kín; chiéⁿ-thó.

dunce, tsṳ-tai; bô-ēng-nâng; bô-lōu-ēng; bô-mih tshâi-chhêng; bô-ki-khiàu.

dung, pùn; pûi; tshou. to dung, lo̍h-pûi; èng-pûi; phuah-pûi (liquid).

dungeon, lô-ge̍k; hiu-ge̍k; kam. to put in, hiu-kìm.

dupe, to, tshuah; mûaⁿ; phièn.

duplicate, têng-siá; têng-kià.

duplicity, nõⁿ-sim; sie-phièn; che̍k-mīn-to nõⁿ-mīn-sái.

durable, nãiⁿ-kú; kien-kù; tōiⁿ, khiàng. this cloth is very, chí-kâi-pòu siãng-nãiⁿ-chhēng.

duration, kú; kú-tn̂g; chhiâng-kú. endless, ióng-kú; ióng-ién; kú-uán; kú-ién; bõi-liáu.

durian, fruit, po-lô-bi̍t (jack-fruit).

during, the night, mêⁿ--kùa. the year, nîⁿ--kan. the hot weather, zua̍h-gue̍h tiâng-sî. dinner, tõ-chia̍h-pn̄g kâi-sî-hāu.

dusk, mêⁿ-hng; háⁿ-hun; siè-siè-àm; siè-siè thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ nâng-mīn; háⁿ-hun-kiáⁿ; háⁿ-bu.

dust, thôu-êng; thôu-hún; tîn-êng; sua-êng; sua-thôu. dusty, seⁿ-thôu-hún. raise, eng; kiauh-sua; iauh-sua. beat off, pũaⁿ-tiāu sua-êng. shake off, hĩⁿ-tiāu thôu-hún. to