Page:English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the nineteenth century.djvu/522

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"Mock Heroicks; or, Snuff, Tobacco, and Gin, and a Rapsody on an Inkstand." Four caricature engravings. 1822.

"Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette." (Numerous coloured plates.) 1822-1825.

[With C. Williams.] Frontispiece to George Ramsey's "New Dictionary of Anecdote." 1822.

"My Cousin in the Army; or, Johnny Newcome on the Peace Establishment." Many coloured plates. 1822.

Twenty designs on wood for Charles Westmacott's "Points of Misery." 1823.

A series of drawings on wood to the " Spirit of the Public Journals for 1823 and 1824." (A selection of essays, jeux d'esprit, tales of humour, etc., 2 vols.)

"Life and Exploits of Don Quixote." Twenty-four designs on wood. (Knight & Lacey.) 1824.

Bernard Blackmantle's (Charles Westmacott) "English Spy." 1825.

"Spirit of the Public Journals for 1825."

Charles Westmacott's "Punster's Pocket-book; or, the Art of Punning Enlarged." 1826.

[With his brother George.] "London Characters." (Twenty-four plates, of which nine only are by Robert. Robins. 1827.

[With George.] Designs on wood for the "Fairy Tales" of Albert Ludwigg Grimm. 1827.

J. Thompson's "New Life of J. Allen." 1828.

Smeeton's "Doings in London." 1828.

"British Dance of Death " (allegorical coloured frontispiece). 1828.

"Spirit of the Age" Newspaper (vignette). 1828.

[With his brother.] The designs on wood for the "Universal Songster; or, Museum of Mirth." (3 vols.) 1828.

"London Oddities; or, Theatrical Cabinet, and Tit-bits of Humour and Eccentricity." 1828.

"The Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic." 1828.

The following between 1830 and 1832.

"Cruikshank's Comic Album" (sometimes called "Facetiæ"), being a series of little books published by Kidd, Miller, and others, afterwards collected into 3 vols.