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Henny-Penny 118
Childe Rowland 122
Molly Whuppie 130
The Red Ettin 136
The Golden Arm 143
The History of Tom Thumb 145
Mr. Fox 153
Lazy Jack 159
Johnny-Cake 162
Earl Mar's Daughter 166
Mr. Miacca 171
Whittington and his Cat 174
The Strange Visitor 186
The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh 190
The Cat and the Mouse 197
The Fish and the Ring 199
The Magpie's Nest 204
Kate Crackernuts 207
The Cauld Lad of Hilton 212
The Ass, the Table, and the Stick 215
Fairy Ointment 220
The Well of the World's End 224
Master of all Masters 230
The Three Heads of the Well 232

Notes and References 239