Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/115

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1920 RELATIVE TO MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS 107 matters as should fall in consultacion amongest them of the same house, as also all such immunities priuiledges and fredomes for them and their seruantes as in former parliamentes heretofore in the tyme of her maiestie and of her moste noble progenitors haue byn used and enioyed. And touchinge hym self he humblie desired that he mighte from time to tyme haue free accesse unto her maiestie for the understanding of her maiesties good pleasure and resolucion in such causes of ymportaunce as should be thoughte requisite and convenient, and lastly that if it shoulde happen that he should in any sorte mysconceave or mysreporte any message or charge delyuered or commjrtted unto hym by the saide house, that it should not be precisely taken or construed against them, but that he might haue leave to reforme and alter the same according to the true intent and meaninge of the saide house. Whereuppon the Lorde Chaimcellor after conference firste had with the saide lordes her maiesties Commis- sioners, made answere unto the saide peticions, videlicet That her maiestes pleasure was that the Speaker, and Commons should haue and enioye all such liberties and priviledges as any other had and enioyed in the tyme of her maiesties moste noble progenitors. And then the Lorde Chauncellor by direccion of the saide lordes the Commyssioners adiorned the parliament untill fridaye then next following.^ After on Saterdaye the fifte day of Nouember in the saide eight and twentith yeare the Lorde Chaimcellor declared at good length the greate and manifold favors which the Quenes maiestie of her moste roiall disposi- cion had shewed to the Quene of Scottes, not only by the princely enter- taynement which since her commynge into this Realme, she hath many yeares received at her maiesties handes to her highnes exceadinge greate charg, and in protectinge of her honor and lief from the violent pursuyte of her owne people for sonndrie moste wicked and horrible ofiences by them ymputed unto her, but alsoe in tollerating and with moste princely magnanimity and gracious clemencie lightly passing over sondrie former daimgerous practizes by which the saide Scottishe Quene had compassed and intended the distruccion of her highnes most royall person and overthrowe of the happy state of this Realme. Notwithstanding that her nobilitie and Commons in sondrie parliamentes and at other tymes had often moste instantlie moved her maiestie to procede against that ladye according to her demerittes and the Justice of her maiesties lawes, he declared further that the saide Scottishe Quene as a person obdurate in malice not regardinge these and many other her maiesties most gracious fauors towardes her had continued still the course of her former practizes, And whereas latelie one Anthony Babington and diuerse other desperate persons had moste traiterouslie combyned and confederate[d] them selues together by vowe and oath in a moste horrible enterprise by murther to take away the lief of her maiestie, The saide Scottish Quene was not onely privie and assenting to that conspiracy, but was alsoe a principall Actor therein, And did direct, comforte, and abett the saide conspirators with perswacion, Counsell, and promise of Reward and earnest obtestacion to procede and accomplishe the same. Whereuppon her maiestie at the ' For 4 November there is no entry here, and no business is recorded in the Lords* Journals, ii. 118.