Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/394

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386 BOYAL CHARTERS TO WINCHESTER July forstealles, 7 infangenes theofes, hamsocne 7 mundbryces 7 aelces wites laessan 7 maran gode to lofe for minre sawle 7 for ealra thaera cyninga the aet foran me waeron 7 aefter me cumath 7 gif hwa this awendan wylle sy he fordemed mid ludan Scariothe butan he aer his fortSsiSe hit gebete.^ II fo. lib. [? 1070-87.] Will[el]m 2 kyng gret his biscopes 7 his eorles 7 his scyrgerefan 7 ealle his thegnas frencisce 7 englisce on than scyran thai Walkelin bisceop hafeth land inne 7 men freondlice 7 ic kythe eow thaet ic ann 7 wille thaet Walkelin b[isceop] beo his bisceoprices weorthe 7 aeic thaera thinga the thider in gebirige on lande otSSe on strande olSiSe on wude o'StSe on felde otJSe on laese ; 7 his sace 7 his socne toll 7 team 7 infangene theof binnan burh 7 butan nu swa full 7 swa forth swa aenig his foregenga fyrmest heold 7 weold on eallen thingan 7 ic nellan gethafian thaet aenig man beo swa deorf that him fram hande drage heonanf orth aening thara thinga thaesthe he ricthlice age 7 in to his bisceoprice gebjo-ice biminan fullan freondscype forthan the ic wille thaet se bisceop habbe his land 7 his men 7 ealle his thing mid micelan weorthscype. T. R. de Oileio. Ill fo. 11. [? 1070-87.] Will[elm]' kyng gret mine biscopes 7 mine eorles 7 mine scyrgerefan 7 ealle mine thegnas on Hamtescyram thar Walkelin b[iscop] hafeth land inne 7 men frendlice 7 ic kythe eow thaet ic an 7 wille thaet he beo his biscopesrices werthe 7 aelc thara thinga the thider in gebyrige on lande 7 on strande 7 on woude 7 on felde on laese 7 sace 7 socne 7 toll 7 team 7 infangennre theof binnan porte 7 butan nu swa full 7 swa forth swa aenig his foregenga fyrmest heold 7 weold in eallen thingan. 7 ic nelle gethafian thaet aenig man beo swa dorf thaet him fram hande drage heononforth aenig thera thinga thaes the he rihtlice age 7 in to his bisceo[p]rice gebyrge be minan fullan frieondscype 7 gif aenig man haefth aenige aehta ut of his landan gedon ic beode thaet hi bynnan thrym nythan ongean cuman 7 nan other ne sy be eallen than aehtan them age. IV fo. 11 b. [1070-S7.] Willelmus rex Anglorum H[ugoni] * de Portu salutem. Mando tibi et precipio ut Walk[elinus] episcopus habeat warennam suam quietam ab eo loco ubi aqua de Wincestra cadit in mare, usque ad viam Cicestre Ita ut nemo aliquo modo venationem aliquam ibi faciat. nisi per eius licentiam.

  • The occurrence of this clause is remarkable.

' This and the following charter are attributed to William I merely on the authority of the cartulary. » Cf. Cal. of Charter Rolls, iii. 348, no. 3^

  • Apparently as sherifiE : cf. Victoria County History, Hampshire, L 473.