Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/413

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1920 BROTHER WILLIAM OF ENGLAND 405 sister was murdered in Chichester cathedral.* William de Colevile, like the poenitentiarius, was a man of importance and is known to have lived in France, and the poenitentiarius has a socius named Robert de Colevile. William de Colevile is called senior, which implies the existence of another of the same name, and William the familiaris of the pope had a brother named William. These facts raise a presumption in favour of identifying the poenitentiarius and the familiaris of Gregory IX with Friar William de Colevile. On the other hand I have failed to find the name of Colevile among the tenants of the abbey of Waltham in the thirteenth century.^ A. G. Little. Gregorius episcopus seruus seruoriim Dei Dilecto filio ^ Abbati sancte Crucis de Waltam Londoniensis diocesis salutem et apostolicam bene- dictionem. Prouenit de feruore impenso pauperibus attritis uexatione potentium quod Regis eterni pietas et temporalem prosperitatem retribuit et uite gloriam perempnis impendit. Sane Guillelmo germano dilecti filii fratris Guillelmi de ordine Miuorum familiaris nostri accepimus intimante quod W. dictus Scotus clericus et quidam alii Londoniensis diocesis quasdam domos terras et possessiones ad ipsum hereditario iure spectantes contra iustitiam detinent et ei reddere contradicunt. Verum cum sibi tenuem ut dicitur facultatem habenti propter potentiam partis alterius dispendiosum existat super hijs subire litigium, nos fratris eiusdem precibus inclinati deuotionem tuam rogamus et hortamur attente, per apostolica tibi scripta precipiendo mandantes, quatinus dicto Guillelmo te fauora- bilem exhibens et benignum, detentores huiusmodi qui sub tua iurisdictione consistunt ut eidem predicta bona restituant et de perceptis ex eis fructibus satisfactionem exhibeant congruentem pro nostra et apostolice sedis reuerentia, operam tribuas efficacem. Preces nostras taliter impleturus ut [eo]dem per auxilium gratie tue suam consequi gaudente iustitiam nos tali ad grates exinde teneamur. Dat' Laterani xvij * Kal. Maij Pontificatus nostri anno tertiodecimo. [Endorsed in a late hand ' Gregorius 9, 20 H. 3 ', and in an early (thirteenth-fourteenth century) hand : ' preces laudabiles pro quodam oppresso per potentes.'] The Forgery of Fines, I2'j2-i^y6^ In the Michaelmas term of 1376, Henry de Coppedale of Beverley, a clerk, and John de Kernetby were brought before the king's ' Eccleston (ed. Little), pp. 22, 35-7, 45-6.

  • The Waltham Abbey registers most likely to throw light on the point are in

MSS. Harl. 391 and Cotton. Tib. C. ix. Cf. also MSS. Harl. 3739, 4809, Add. 37665; and ' Notes on the MSS. of Waltham Abbey ', Trans, of the Royal Hist. Soc. vi. 203 (1877). » Henry of EmwelL

  • The date is not clear owing to a fold in the parchment : it may be xviij.

" I have to thank Mr. Hubert Hall for suggestions on a number of points arising in connexion with the documents here printed and this note.