Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/439

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1920 COURT OF STAR CHAMBER 431 and ther I saw the said Peter Marmyon vnder the keping of the said Thomas Hargrave : and were commyng from the paroche Church fro masse abowt x of the Clokke. The said Thomas Hargrave without the Churchyard as they were comen from the Churche turned agayne and seid to the said Peter Marmyon, and drew out part of his sworde, saying : ' Yf thou kepe not this promyse which thou hast made with me before John Hamond and Robert Kelynge I will stryke of thy hed ' : and than he said for fere of his lief, ' I wil doo as you wil haue me to doo in this thynge ', and knelyng downe vpon his knees and held vp his handes quakyng for fere of lesyng of his lief. And, as I herd sone afterwardes, the promesse that the said Marmyon had made to the said Hargrave before the said John Hamond and Robert Kelynge was of a Relesse of the Manor of Nusshelyng and other landes with in the Countie of Southampton that he shuld make to the said Hargrave. Item, John Raye of thage of Ixvj yere dwellyng at Nusshelyng seith and deposeth that the Sonday sevyn night after Tewkesbury Feld, the xjth yere of Kyng Edward the iiij*^, at Nusshelyng af or said he saw whan oon Thomas Hargrave went and entred vpon oon Piers Marmyons place of Nusshelyng and ther the said Piers fled from the said Hargrave and mett the said John Raye and besought hym to brynge hym to the Seyntuary of Beauley : and I shuld haue of him xx markes for saluacion of his lief. And thervpon came the said Thomas Hargrave Rennyng with his man, and ther toke the said Peter Marmyon and brought him into the place of Nusshelyng : and as I herd say tyed him with a cheyne about the nekk to thentent that he shuld Relesse the said Manor of Nusshelyng with other landes to the said Thomas Hargrave. And as I herd after- wardes that the said Thomas Hargrave caryed the said Peter Marmyon to Wynchester, and ther for fere of deth made the same Relesse. Item, Edmund Carter of Mylbroke, of thage of Ix yeres and moo, saith and deposeth vpon a boke that the Saterday ^ next after Tewkesbury Feld in the x^jti yere of Kyng Edward the iiijt^ that oon Thomas Blak and William Cowelle at that tyme seruauntes to Thomas Hargrave came to Nusshelyng aforsaid by the commaundment of the said Thomas Hargrave to thentent that they should haue slayne Piers Marmyon then being at Nusshelyng aforsaid in his owne Manoir : and when they came thider they bade the said Piers Marmyon to avoyde that place for their Maister was comyng, and bade hym deliuer to theym all thevidence therto belonging. And thervpon the said Piers Marmyon gave theym fayre wordes. And therupon they departed out of the said house. And then and ther the said Thomas Blake shewed vnto me that yf Peter Marmyon had not geven hym and his ffelow fayre wordes at theyr commyng, they had slayne hym, ffor that was their Maisters commaund- ment soo for to doo. And for theyr laboure they shuld haue of the said Hargrave theyr Maister xiijs. rd. And said ouer this : ' I feere myself how he wol take me whan he commeth to morrow, in his favour, by cause we haue not fulfilled his commaundement.' And in the mornyng after I saw the said Thomas Hargrave whan he came to Nusshelyng and 1 11 May.