Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/643

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INDEX TO THE THIRTY-FIFTH VOLUME 635 Rait (R. S.) & Dicey (A. V.) Thoughts on the union between England and Scotland : by Sir A. W. Ward, 602 Reddaway (W. F.) Introduction to the study of Russian history, 465 Relf (F. H.) The Petition of Right: by C. H. Firth, 141 Rhodes (J. F. ) History of the United States, viii,.476 History of the civil mar, 1861-5 : by W. B. Wood, 147 Rivington (S. ) The publishing family of Rivington, 310 Roberts (R. H.) The Reports of the Historical MSS. Commission, 465 Robertson (J. M.) Bolingbroke and Walpole, 311 Rodocanachi (E.) Etudes et fantaisies historiques : by E. Armstrong, 274 Monuments antiques de Rome, 614 Rodriguez (E. E. Ibana y) Origen y vicissitudos de los titulos profes- siormles, 4^1 Rose (Holland) Naval history and national history, 472 Russia and England, relations between. Select passages on ; ed. by A. Weiner, 465 Sarkar (J.) History of Aurangzib, 623 Mughal Administration, 623 Shivaji and his times, 623 Studies in Mughal India, 623 Schmidt (B.) Frankfurter Zunftur- Icunden, bis zum Jahre 1612, 305 Schlesinger (A. M.) The colonial mer- chants and the American revolution, 474 Scholefield (G. W.) The Pacific, 157 Schweizerische Oeschichte, Anzeiger fur, 1919, 469 Scott (J. B.) Judicial settlements of controversies between states of the American union, 314 Sharpe (M.) Middlesex in British, Roman, and Saxon times, 301 Sharpless (T.) Political leaders of provincial Pennsylvania, 310 Sicilia, Codice diplomatico dei re Aragonesi di, 1282-1355, i ; ed. by G. La Mantia : by T. F. Tout, 593 Souter (A.) Hints on the study of Latin A.D. 125-750, 296 Spence (T.) The real rights of man, 625 Sproxton (C.) Palmerston and the Hungarian revolution, 158 Staffordshire, Collections for a history of, for 1917 (WUliam Salt Society), 318 State papers. Calendar of Venetian, ■ xxii [1629-32]; ed. by A. B. Hinds : by C. H. Firth, 278 Statesman's Year Book, The, 1920, 628 Tanner (J. R.) Samuel Pepys and the royal navy, 473 Teaching of the twelve apostles. The ; ed. by T. W. Crafer, 465 Tell el-Amama letters. Selections from the ; ed. by P. Handcock, 465 Thomas (S. P. ) Den antikke Tradition om Graccherne, 300 Tout (T. F.) Mediaeval forgers and forgeries, 303 Toynbee (P. ) Supplement to the letters of Horace Walpole, 155 Trevelyan (G. M.) Lord Grey of the Reform Bill : by the Rev. W. Hunt, 457 Trevelyan (Mrs. G. M.) Short history of the Italian people, 628 Trotter (E.) Seventeenth-century life in a country parish : by the Rev. S. L. OUard, 277 Valente (Signorina Angela) Mar- gherita di Durazzo, 471 Vigener (F.) Die Mainzer Dompropstei im 14 Jahrhundert, 152 Vignaud (H. ) The Columbian tradition on the discovery of America and of the part played therein by the astronomer Toscanelli, 619 Visitations of religious houses, ii ; ed. by A. H. Thompson : by the Rev. E. W. Watson, 269 Wallace (W. S.) The Maaerea lettera, 1766-8, 311 Waquet (H.) Le bailliage de Verman- dois aux xiii" et xiv^ siecles : by F. M. Powicke, 265 Ward (Sir A. W.) Securities for peace, 627 The period of the congresses, 626 Watkins (0. D.) A history of penance : by the Rev. A. Bevil Browne, 584 Weill (G.) Histoire des Etats-Unis de 1787 a 1917, 157 Welschinger (H.) _Les martyrs de Septernbre, 312 Westergaard (W.) The Danish West Indies under company rule, 1671- 1754 : by W. F. Reddaway, 144 William of Newbtirgh, Selections from ; ed. by C. Johnson, 465 Woelmont (Baron H. de) Les marquis franQais, 318 Wooler (E.) The Roman fort at Pierce- bridge. County Durham, 301 Wylie (J. H.) The reign of Henry the fifth, ii : by C. L. Kingsford, 133 Year Books of Edward II, xv, 6 and 7 Edward II, 1313 ; ed. by W. C. Bol- land : by T. F. Tout, 125 York mercers and merchant adven- turers. The, 1356-1917; ed. by M. Sellers : by G. Unwin, 127 Yorkists, England under the ; ed. by Miss I. D. Thornley, 619 Zeeoorlogen, Bescheiden omtrent de groote Nederlandsche, 1652-76 ; ed. by H. T. Colenbrander : by C. H. Firth, 284 Zook (G. F.) The company of Royal Adventurers trading into Africa, 154