Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/83

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1920 LIFE OF ST. MONENNA 75 rerce, prout ipsa constituit, Bia fuit abbatissa, deinde In- diu, deinde Derlasre, que lx** annis monasterio prefuit. Brux. I Conch. 33. Post obitum sancte Da- | iii. 12. Post sancte Monenne dormi- tionem, sicut ilia constituerat, Bia filia Ailella fuit secunda abbatissa. Tercia Dognidiu filia Mothai, filii Lilac. Quarta Derlaisre filia Daisremi, filii Buissidi, que monasterio puellarum prefuit quin- quaginta annis. It is evident that the enumeration in X stopped with Derlaisre, the fourth abbess of Killeevy, for neither Brux. nor Conchubran goes any further. The inference I draw is that X was compiled during the lifetime of the fifth abbess, Derlaisre 's immediate successor. A notice which occurs on ff. 58 6-59 a of the Cottonian MS., and is written in the same hand of the first half of the twelfth century, fortunately permits us to determine her name and date. It is without title : f. 58b. Vixerat autem sancta Monenna ^ centis et triginta tres annis, et fuit abbatissa ^ quadraginta annis. Pater ^ uero eius nomine Mothait • rex Oueahulud • filius Lilach • filius Lugdach • filius Conalde • filius Erinen • * filius Soiro • filius Imchado • filius Fedlemto • filius Maicc. Mater uero eius regina nomine Cumman, filia re^is Dalbranaig. Quinta abbatissa post sancta Monenna [sic] fuit Cron • filia Dachorani • xxiiiior annis. Sexta abbatissa Conchen • filia Colmani • filia Aeda regis • coguomento Superflui • xxx annis. Septima Cron, filia Erneri, filii Fexheni • cuius nunc ^ inperfecto primatu in monasterio ^ numerus peragitur annus unus. Octaua Demorir • filia Scandlani • aui Dachoran • annis xv • in mor- (f. 59a)talitate magna moritur. Nona Gnathat ' • Chritan filia • annis xxx. Decima Finan, ingen ^ Critan, filii Scanlani, aui Dachonna • una mense fuit. Vndecima Luccan • filia Aedgne, filii Abeil • xi annis prefuit.^ Duodecima Femenj^" filia Fallaich • annis xxxiii. ' There is a space of three or four letters after Monenna. For centus as adjective cf. Conch. Vita, iii. 8, p. 233. " Space after abbatissa.

  • Compare the Irish pedigree found in the manuscripts of Mart. Oengus (ed. Stokes,

1905, p. 167), Moninde ingen Mochta mic Lilaig mic Luigdech mic Roasa mic Imchada mic Feidlimid mic Cais mic Fiacha Araide.

  • Possibly Ermen.

'* Manuscript has clearly nc. The sense of this entry is not clear. " immonasterio MS. ' For this name see Four Masters at 687, ' Gnathnat, abbess of Cill-dara, died.' " The Irish word for daughter. ' prefuit is here written in full, and I have therefore expanded the contraction p as pre and not prae. "* Reading of manuscript may be Feinen, with which form compare Annals of Ulster at 805, ' Fine, abbess of Cill-dara, died.'