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Unit 1

Chapter 3

  1. Reading

    The Japanese have a big problem. The air in their cities is often heavily polluted. It is increasingly difficult to find a breath of fresh air anywhere in Japan.

    When residents of Tokyo want some clean air, they sometimes look for special oxygen machines along the sidewalks. A sign on the machine says, "Fresh Country Air. Please deposit 100 yen." The Tokyoite deposits .'his money, places a mask-over his face, and breathes deeply.

    This situation is unusual. However, pollution-free environments are disappearing rapidly. Says a well-known scientist, "Dirty air is the number one health hazard in our cities today."
  2. Writing With the cues given below, making sentences that include a command and a direct quotation.

    ex. policeman/stop/car
    "Stop the car," says the policeman.

    1. teacher/study/hard
    2. mother/cry/don't
    3. teacher/look/books
    4. host/here/sit
    5. taxi driver/100 won/give
    6. doctor/every two hours/take
    7. principal/come/7:00/school
    8. policeman/I.D. card/show
    9. Mr. Kim/look/monkey
    10. child/candy/give
    11. Miss Lee/where/going
    12. customer/how much/cost