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Unit 1

Chapter 4

  1. Writing (continued)
    1. Mr. Park saves his money.
    2. America is prosperous.
    3. The earth's resources are abundant.
    4. Cigarettes are hazardous to our health.
    5. Ms. Cho enjoys her work.
    6. Myong Suk is a poor student.
    1. Divide the class into two groups and compose riddles of your own.
  2. Dialogue

    A: Pardon me, is this the bus to Chonju?
    B: No, that bus left at two.
    A: When does the next bus leave? I'm in a hurry.
    B: Not until four.

    A: Well, I'd better take a cab.
  3. Activity: Guided conversation
    1. When and where does the special express from Seoul arrive?
    2. When and where do you usually meet your friends?
    3. Where do you buy bus tickets?
    4. When do you quit work each day?
    5. Where do you eat lunch?