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Unit 2

Chapter 5

Irregular past (p. 439)

He sang a song.
She sold her car.

  1. Exchanges

    A: Did you buy a new pen?
    B: No, Sam lent it to me.

    A: Did Sam take a shower this morning?
    B: He took one before he came to school.

    A: Didn't you watch TV last night?
    B: No, I went to the movies.

    A: Where did you get that new sweater?

    B: I bought it at the market.
  2. Review Reading

    Jack's Embarrassing Experience

    One of the things Jack likes to do is go to the movies. Usually he likes to go with someone else.

    Last Saturday night, I saw Jack with a pretty girl at the movies. Yesterday, I spoke with him and he told me he had a date with her. Her name was Barbara. Jack said he had an embarrassing experience that night.

    Before Jack met Barbara he went home and wrote some letters. Then he took a shower, changed his clothes and ate dinner. He left home and met Barbara at the theater. After they met, they got in line for their tickets. At the ticket window. Jack reached for his wallet, but it wasn't there. He was very embarrassed. He said, "Barbara, I'm sorry. I forgot my wallet. May I borrow some money from you?" Barbara lent him two dollars and he bought the tickets.