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Unit 4

Chapter 3

Modals (p. 447)

Will ---------- future ..... I will see you there.
Can ---------- ability ..... I can do anything.
---------- permission ..... Can I see you soon?
May ---------- " ..... May I see your I.D. card?
---------- possibility ..... She may not live long.
Might ---------- " ..... I might come visit you.
Should ---------- obligation ..... We should study hard.
Must ---------- probability ..... He must be a fool.
---------- necessity ..... You must stop here.

I. Activity

Identify modals and their meanings in the Comprehensive Reading.

II. Exchanges

A: May I borrow your lighter? I must have lost mine.
B: Sure. But you might lose mine.
A: Never. I'll give it back in a minute.

A: Can anyone buy pencillin?
B: No. You must have a doctor's prescription.

A: Should we have another cigarette?
B: Why not? One more won't hurt.

A: Can I see you for a minute, sir?
B: Yes, come in. But I may have to leave soon.

III. Reading

The Last One?

After reading an article titled "Cigarette Smoking Can Be Dangerous To Your Health," I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. "I really should stop smoking," I thought, "And I can." I smoked with pleasure since I was sure this would be my last. For a whole week I did not smoke at all, and I could not have suffered more. I was so hungry that I ate all the time. I had such a bad temper that my wife couldn't stand me. My friends might have been more help, but they weren't. They would offer me cigarettes and fill the room with smoke. I thought they should be more considerate because when they would smoke, I wanted to. It seemed that everywhere I went, everyone was smoking.